Forrige innleggTender
Please find below all the information about Calls for Tender published since 2009 within the scope of the BSTF Initiative. These pages and documents are only for information.
Call for tenders HADEA/2022/OP/0013
Organisation and Implementation of Training Activities on EU Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) under the "Better Training for Safer Food" Initiative.
Estimated budget: € 1 200 000
- Deadline for application: 23/09/2022 12:00
- TED publication date: 05/08/2022 00:00
Call for tenders HADEA/2022/OP/0015
Service Contract for the Organisation and Implementation of Training Activities on National Audit Systems and Internal Auditing under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Estimated budget: € 1 180 000.00
- Deadline for application: 23/09/2022 12:00
- TED publication date: 02/08/2022 00:00
Call for tenders HADEA/2022/OP/0016
Service contract for the Organisation and Implementation of Training Activities on Production and Trade of Bivalve Molluscs within and into the EU under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Estimated budget: € 835 000.00
- Deadline for application: 23/09/2022 12:00
- TED publication date: 02/08/2022 00:00
Call for tenders HADEA/2021/OP/0001 - HaDEA/2020/BTSF/08
Service contract for the Organisation and implementation of training activities on plant disease outbreaks - contingency planning for priority pests under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative. Maximum value: EUR 2 120 000 for a total duration of 4 years.
- Deadline for application: 20 September 2021
- Published on: 4 August 2021
Call for tenders HADEA/2021/OP/0002 - HaDEA/2020/BTSF/09
Organisation and Implementation of Training Activities on Food Safety Crisis Preparedness (non-EU) under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ Initiative.
Service contract for the organisation and implementation of training activities on food safety crisis preparedness (non-EU) under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative. Maximum value: EUR 2 102 000 for a total duration of 4 years.
- Deadline for application: 20 September 2021
- Published on: 4 August 2021
Call for tenders HADEA/2021/OP/0003 - HaDEA/2020/BTSF/10
Organisation and Implementation of Training Activities on Effective Enforcement of Animal Welfare during Transport Legislation under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ Initiative.
Service contract for the organisation and implementation of training activities on effective enforcement of animal welfare during transport legislation under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative. Maximum value: EUR 2.102.000 for a total duration of 4 years.
- Deadline for application: 20 September 2021
- Published on: 4 August 2021
Financing Decision 2020 ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2019/BTSF/05 - Reference number: CHAFEA/LUX/2020/OP/0004
Organisation and implementation of training activities on investigation techniques to be deployed during official controls to deter potential fraud along the agri-food chain and on the e-commerce under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 14 September 2020
- Published on: 19/05/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2020/BTSF/01 - Reference number: CHAFEA/LUX/2020/OP/0005
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the new EU Animal Health Law under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
- Deadline for application: 14 September 2020
- Published on: 13/05/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2020/BTSF/02 - Reference number: CHAFEA/LUX/2020/OP/0006
Organisation and implementation of training activities on plant health surveys under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 14 September 2020
- Published on: 13/05/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2019/BTSF/05 - Reference number: CHAFEA/LUX/2020/OP/0004
Organisation and implementation of training activities on investigation techniques to be deployed during official controls to deter potential fraud along the agri-food chain and on the e-commerce under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 14 September 2020
- Published on: 19/05/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2020/BTSF/01 - Reference number: CHAFEA/LUX/2020/OP/0005
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the new EU Animal Health Law under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
- Deadline for application: 14 September 2020
- Published on: 13/05/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2020/BTSF/02 - Reference number: CHAFEA/LUX/2020/OP/0006
Organisation and implementation of training activities on plant health surveys under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 14 September 2020
- Published on: 13/05/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2020/BTSF/03 - Reference number: CHAFEA/LUX/2020/OP/0007
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the legislation and control of geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 14 September 2020
- Published on: 13/05/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2020/BTSF/04 – EU-SPS
Organisation and implementation of training activities to strengthen understanding, implementation and enforcement of EU law in the area of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) standards in EU member states and neighbouring non-EU countries under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 9 November 2020
- Published on: 16/09/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2020/BTSF/05 – Border control posts
Organisation and implementation of training activities on veterinary and food safety import controls at border control posts under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 9 November 2020
- Published on: 16/09/2020
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2020/BTSF/06 – New official control regulation
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the new Official Control Regulation under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 9 November 2020
- Published on: 16/09/2020
Call for tender n°: Chaefa/2020/BTSF/07 – Organic farming
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the European Union legislative and policy framework for organic production and labelling of organic products under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 9 November 2020
- Published on: 16/09/2020
Financing Decision 2019()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2019/BTSF/01:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on food hygiene and controls of meat, including derived products under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 7 October 2019
- Published on: 05/08/2019
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2019/BTSF/02:
Organisation and implementation of inter-sectoral simulation exercises on crisis management coordination and response in the food and feed, animal and plant sectors under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 7 October 2019
- Published on: 05/08/2019
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2019/BTSF/03:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the new plant health regime under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 12 February 2020
- Published on: 11/11/2019
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2019/BTSF/04:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the risk assessment of microorganisms used as pesticides or biocides under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 12 February 2020
- Published on: 11/11/2019
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2019/BTSF/05:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on investigation techniques to be deployed during official controls to deter potential fraud along the agri-food chain and on the e-commerce under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 14 August 2020
- Published on: 14/05/2020
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2018/BTSF/01:
Organization and implementation of training activities on food hygiene at primary production under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 3 October 2018
- Published on: 20/07/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2018/BTSF/02:
Organization and implementation of training activities on the audit of authorised recycling processes for plastic food contact materials in the scope of Regulation (EU) No 282/2008 under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 3 October 2018
- Published on: 20/07/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2018/BTSF/03:
Organization and implementation of training activities on inspection and calibration of plant protection product application equipment in compliance with the provisions of Directive 2009/128/EC under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 3 October 2018
- Published on: 24/07/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2018/BTSF/04:
Organization and implementation of training activities on sampling and analysis methods used in the context of official food and feed controls under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
- Deadline for application: 3 October 2018
- Published on: 21/07/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2018/BTSF/05:
Organization and implementation of training activities on principles and methods of risk assessment in the food chain under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 21 February 2019
- Published on: 17/11/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2018/BTSF/06:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Plant Health Controls under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 21 February 2019
- Published on: 17/11/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2018/BTSF/07:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on EU rules applicable to the authorisation and placing on the market of novel foods produced in non-EU countries under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 21 February 2019
- Published on: 17/11/2018
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/01:
Organization and implementation of training activities on animal disease preparedness, including early warning, contingency planning and animal disease control under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 September 2017
- Published on: 1/08/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/02:
Organization and implementation of training activities on food hygiene and the flexibility provisions provided in the food hygiene package under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 September 2017
- Published on: 1/08/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/03:
Organization and implementation of training activities on auditing general hygiene requirements and control procedures based on the HACCP principles developed by food business operators under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 September 2017
- Published on: 1/08/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/04:
Organization and implementation of training activities on the implementation of Union rules in relation to microbiological criteria and on the monitoring and control of zoonosis and zoonotic agents under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 September 2017
- Published on: 1/08/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/05:
Organization and implementation of training activities on food hygiene and the flexibility provisions provided in the food hygiene package under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 September 2017
- Published on: 1/08/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/06:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on audit systems and internal auditing under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 15 January 2018
- Published on: 1/08/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/07:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the control of food contact materials, their use and marketing under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 15 January 2018
- Published on: 28/10/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/08:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the use of Union information management systems for official controls in the sanitary and phytosanitary fields under the "Better Training for Safer Food".
- Deadline for application: 15 January 2018
- Published on: 28/10/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/09:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on prevention, monitoring and control of antimicrobial resistance in the context of an overall ‘One Health’ approach involving both veterinary and human fields under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 March 2018
- Published on: 28/10/2017
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/10:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the evaluation and authorisation procedures for plant protection products under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 March 2018
- Published on: 23/02/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/11:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the legislation and control of food improvement agents in the EU under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 March 2018
- Published on: 20/02/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/12:
Training activities on the prevention, control and eradication of transmissible spongiform Encephalopathies and Animal By-products under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 March 2018
- Published on: 20/02/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/13:
Training activities on the sustainable use of pesticides, with a focus on Integrated Pest Management under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 March 2018
- Published on: 20/02/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/14:
Training activities on principles and methods of food safety risk analysis under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 29 March 2018
- Published on: 20/02/2018
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2017/BTSF/15:
Training activities on prevention, monitoring and control of antimicrobial resistance involving veterinary and human fields under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
- Deadline for application: 9 April 2018
- Published on: 28/02/2018
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/01:
Organization and implementation of training activities on veterinary and food safety import controls in Border Inspection Posts (BIPs) under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/02:
Organization and implementation of training activities on the use of the EU Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/03:
Organization and implementation of training activities on controls of movements of dogs and cats, i.e. intra-Union trade, imports and non-commercial movements under the "Better training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/04:
Organization and implementation of training activities on animal nutrition under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/05:
Organization and implementation of training activities on the controls on contaminants in food under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/06:
Organization and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/07:
Organization and implementation of training activities on prevention and control of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) in the context of an overall 'one health' approach to prevention and control of infections and reducing antimicrobial resistance under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/08:
Organization and implementation of training activities on the EU rules on general food labelling and claims as well as on specific categories of foods such as food supplements, foods with added vitamins and minerals and foods for specific groups of the population under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/09:
Organization and implementation of training activities on preparedness and management of food-borne outbreaks in the EU under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2016/BTSF/10:
Organization and implementation of training activities in non-EU countries to improve and strengthen the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) framework to allow better production, processing and trade of safe food, healthy animals and plants under the “Better Training for Safer Food” initiative.
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2015/BTSF/01:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the organic farming scheme under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2015/BTSF/02:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the protected designations schemes (PDO/PGI/TSG/GI) under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2015/BTSF/03:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on plant health surveys under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2015/BTSF/04:
Organisation and implementation of training activities to strengthen EU law enforcement in Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) fields under the “Better Training for Safer Food” initiative.
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2014/BTSF/01:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on plant health controls under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2014/BTSF/02:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on inspection and calibration of pesticide application equipment in professional use under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2014/BTSF/03:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on food testing under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2014/BTSF/04:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on auditing plastic recycling processes under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2014/BTSF/05:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on monitoring and control of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and related anti-microbial resistance and prevention of anti-microbial resistance under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/01:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on HACCP principles and audit techniques under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/02:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Animal health and disease prevention for bees and zoo animals under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/03:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Animal identification, registration and traceability under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/04:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on food additives, flavourings and enzymes under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/05:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Residues of veterinary medicinal products in food of animal origin under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/06:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Principles and methods of food safety risk assessment under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/07:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Contingency planning and animal disease control under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/08:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Prevention, control and eradication of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/09:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on New and emerging plant health risks under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/10:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on strengthening Member States' response to Union audits under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/11:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Plant protection product authorisation and their sustainable use under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/12:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Food hygiene at primary production under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/13:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Food hygiene and flexibility under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/14:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on new investigation techniques for official controls along the food chain under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/15:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/16:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on official supervision as regards semen, ova and embryos under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/17:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Principles and methods of food safety risk assessment under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/18:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Food hygiene at primary production under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/19:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on official supervision as regards semen, ova and embryos under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2013/BTSF/20:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on assuring the sustainable use of plant protection products in the EU: "Towards a sustainable use of plant protection products" under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/01:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Feed production and contaminants in feed and food mainly for EU Member States under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/02:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Movement and import controls of feed, food and animals mainly for EU Member States under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/03:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Food microbiology and food-borne outbreak management mainly for EU Member States under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/04:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Animal welfare mainly for EU Member States under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/05:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Food composition and information mainly for EU Member States under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/06:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Audit systems and internal auditing mainly for EU Member States under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/07:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on specific EU Quality schemes mainly for EU Member States under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/08:
Organisation and implementation of training activities to strengthen EU law enforcement in Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) fields in EU Member States under the “Better Training for Safer Food” initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/09:
Organisation and implementation of training activities in third countries to strengthen their capacity to participate actively in the work of International Standard-Setting Bodies.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/10:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on improving and strengthening the sanitary and phytosanitary framework in non-EU Member countries ("BTSF World") under the “Better Training for Safer Food” initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/11:
Organisation and implementation of training activities in third countries to strengthen their capacity to participate actively in the work of International Standard-Setting Bodies.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2012/BTSF/12:
Organisation and implementation of training activities in third countries to strengthen their capacity to participate actively in the work of International Standard-Setting Bodies. For more information, please contact under the following reference: EAHC/2012/BTSF/12.
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/01:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on veterinary legislation related to food contact materials, additives and veterinary medicinal products to be held mainly for EU Member States under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/02:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on food hygiene and control of fishery, meat products and baby food products to be held mainly for EU Member States under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/03:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on EU feed rules and feed import requirements for third countries and training activities on sampling and analysis methods used in the context of official food and feed controls under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/04:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on legislation related to contingency planning and animal disease control, to emerging animal diseases and to risk assessment to be held mainly for EU Member States under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/05:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the evaluation and registration of plant protection products and the control of their use and marketing mainly for EU Member States under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/06:
Negotiated procedure concerning the organisation and implementation of training activities on HACCP principles and audit techniques under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/08:
Negotiated procedure concerning the organisation and implementation of training activities on animal health prevention and controls on aquaculture animals under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/09:
Negotiated procedure concerning the organisation and implementation of training activities on animal health prevention and controls on bees and exotic zoo animals under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/10:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on Plant health controls and on the Evaluation and registration of plant protection products and the control of their proper use and marketing mainly for EU Member States under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2011/BTSF/11:
The provision of modules for e-learning training courses under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative.
Financing Decision ()
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/01:
Organisation and implementation of training activities concerning veterinary legislation to be held mainly for EU Member States under the 'Better Training for Safer Food' Initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/02:
Organisation and implementation of training activities concerning Official Controls on Food to be held mainly for EU Member States under the 'Better Training for Safer Food' Initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/03:
Organisation and implementation of training activities to be held mainly for third countries under the 'Better Training for Safer Food' Initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/04:
Modules for e-learning training courses under the programme "Better Training for Safer Food".
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/05:
Organisation and implementation of training activities, under the programme ‘Better Training for Safer Food' initiative, to be mainly held in third countries on Feed Law.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/06:
Organisation and implementation of training activities, under the programme ‘Better Training for Safer Food' initiative on animal welfare in farms, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals in slaughterhouses and in disease control situations and animal welfare during transport to be held mainly for EU Member States.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/07:
Organisation and implementation of training activities, under the programme 'Better Training for Safer Food' initiative, to be mainly held in third countries on RASFF/Traces.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/08:
Organisation and implementation of training activities concerning the evaluation and registration of plant protection products and control of their proper use and marketing.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/09:
Organisation and implementation of further training activities concerning veterinary legislation to be held mainly for EU Member States under the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative.
Call for tender n°: Chafea/2010/BTSF/10:
Organisation and implementation of training activities under the 'Better Training for Safer Food' initiative, to be mainly held in third countries on RASFF/TRACES.
Commission implementing decision of 8 May 2009
Call for tender n°: EAHC/2009/BTSF/01:
Organisation and implementation of training activities to be held mainly for EU Member States under the "Better Training for Safer Food" programme.
Call for tender n°: EAHC/2009/BTSF/02:
Call for tender Organisation and implementation of training activities concerning food testing and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) issues for Third Countries in the frame of the "Better Training for Safer Food" programme.
Call for tender n°: EAHC/2009/BTSF/03:
Organisation of technical training sessions on food and feed control procedures based on HACCP principles and audit techniques to verify implementation of HACCP systems.