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BTSF ACADEMY - eLearning
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BTSF ACADEMY - eLearning
This page contains basic information aimed to help following the eLearning courses available in the BTSF ACADEMY.
See here how can you view the eLearning courses available in the BTSF ACADEMY in your language.
Completion of the course/s
To take the course follow these 5 simple steps:
- 1) Complete the pre-test to unlock the eLearning unit/module
- 2) Proceed with the eLearning unit/module and follow the course contents
Please ensure that you visit all the slides/screens in each unit before proceeding to the next unit/activity. - 3) Complete the post-test with a minimum 75% correct answers
- 4) Complete the Participant evaluation of BTSF Training courses
- 5) Download your BTSF certificate
- Access to enrolled participants extends to 365 days from the date of enrolment and this can be renewed, on request to HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu
- While submitting the Participant evaluation of BTSF eLearning courses we would appreciate your input on the content and navigation/user experience. You can also report to HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu.
User interface
Inside of the units/modules
- Use the table of contents and the navigation links/buttons to follow the slides/screens in each unit.
- Sections that contain audio/video have closed captions that can be processed by AI translation.
- For those sections in the units/modules that have sequenced or paged content, use the tabs, the info buttons and other interactive elements. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete quizzes and self-evaluation exercises within the unit/module.
- As a registered user in the BTSF ACADEMY, you have access to the learning materials and Dissemination Kits for all training activities in the BTSF ACADEMY Library.
Share the experience!
- Please inform your colleagues about the available training activities provided within the BTSF ACADEMY or share the BTSF ACADEMY eLearning courses - LEAFLET.
Senest ændret: tirsdag den 3. oktober 2023, 12:25