
MEXICO - Other / Non-EU

Mr. René Hernández Ruiz

Director de Proyectos y Desarrollo Institucional

Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASICA)
Boulevard Adolfo Ruiz Cortines No. 5010, Piso 8,
Avenida Insurgentes #489, Col. Hipódromo, Alc. Cuauhtémoc, C.P.
06100, Ciudad de México, MEXICO

Tel: +52 55 5905 1000, Ext 51596

MOLDOVA - Candidate Country


Chief of International Relations Department

National Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Moldova
MD-2009, 63, Kogalniceanu str. Chisinau, MOLDOVA

Tel: (+37322) 29 47 09
Mob: +373 69251405

MOROCCO - Other / Non-EU

Ms Zeineb El Bouchikhi

Chef de la Division de la Cooperation et de la Communication
Head of Cooperation and Communication

Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits Alimentaires
National Office for Food Safety

Avenue Hadj Ahmed Cherkaoui – Agdal Rabat, MOROCCO

Tel: 0 +212 537 676 536
Fax: 0 +212 537 682 049
Mob: +212 673 998 081

PANAMA - Other / Non-EU


Ministerio de Salud
Ancón, Edificio 253, 0814, PANAMÁ

PARAGUAY - Other / Non-EU Country

Mr. Elvio Antonio Escobar Guayuan

Director of Technical Cooperation and Agreements

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
Presidente Franco 173, e/ Nuestra Señora de la Asunción. Yvaga Building, PARAGUAY

Tel: +595 21 498940
Mob: +595 983 184850


Mr Noel A. Padre

Assistant Secretary-designate for Policy, Research and Development in concurrent capacity as Director

Depart. Agriculture
Policy Research Service

Elliptical Road, Diliman – Quezon City, PHILIPPINES

SENEGAL - Other / Non-EU

Mme Mame Diarra Faye

SINGAPORE - Other / Non-EU

Ms Chua Lay Har

Singapore Food Agency (SFA)

Ms Charissa Lee

Singapore Food Agency (SFA)

SOUTH KOREA - Other / Non-EU

Juyoung Lee

Deputy Director

General Divison of International Cooperation
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

94, Dasom 2-ro, Government Complex-Sejong 30110, KOREA

Tel: +82442012047
Fax: +82448680431

ESWATINI - Other / Non-EU

Mr Nhlanhla J. Shongwe

P.O. Box 162 Mbabane H100, SWAZILAND

Tel: +268 24042731/9
Mobile: +268 7606 2609
Fax: +268 24041733
Fax: +268 2404 6948