
THAILAND - Other / Non-EU

Ms Kulwadee Wiwatsawatdinon

Director, International Policy Section IV
Division of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards Policy
National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards

Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Tel: +66 2561 2277 ext.1321
Fax: +66 2561 4034

TUNISIA - Other / Non-EU

Mr Mohamed El Kadri HENI

National Program Manager

Unité de Gestion du Programme d'Appui à l'Accord d'Association et à l'Intégration (UGP3AI)
Immeuble ASTRA-Rue du Lac Victoria-Les Berges du Lac 1, 1053, Tunis, TUNISIA

UKRAINE - Candidate Country

Ms. Mariia Barbara

Chief Specialist of the Risk Assessment Unit

Department on Risk Assessment and Planning of the SSUFSCP
1, Borys Grinchenko str., Kyiv,UKRAINE

Tel. +380680436350

URUGUAY - Other / Non-EU

Lic. Adriana Lupinacci

International Affairs Unit

Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP)
Constituyente 1476, 3rd Floor, Montevideo, URUGUAY

Dr. Alejandra Lozano

Sanitary Education and Extension Unit

Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP)
Ruta 8 Km. 17 CP 12100 Montevideo, URUGUAY

Tel.: +598 2412 6358 / 2410 7205
Tel.: +598 2204000 int. 150111

VIETNAM - Other / Non-EU

Dr Carsten Schittek

Minister Counsellor
Head of Trade and Economic Affairs

Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam

Mr Ky Anh LE

Economic and Trade Specialist

Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam

Tel: +84 24 39 46 1744
Tel: +84 24 39 46 1773

ZIMBABWE - Other / Non-EU


INFOSAN Focal Point

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement
1 Borrowdale Road, Private Bag 7701 , Causeway, Harare Country

Tel: +263 4 793073
Fax: +263 712 806 710

PERU - Other / Non-EU

MSc Oscar Gerald Incio Roncal

Unidad de Cooperación Técnica

SANIPES (Organismo Nacional de Sanidad Pesquera)
Av. Amador Merino Reyna 267 - San Isidro, Lima, PERU


Mr Mphane Molefe

Director: Veterinary Public Health

Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Private Bag x138 Pretoria, 0001, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

Tel: +27 12 319 7572/7688
Cell: +27 72 241 0566

NAMIBIA - Other / Non-EU

Ms Paloma Ellitson

General Manager

Testing and Inspection for the Namibia Standards Institute (NSI)

Tel: +264 (064) 216600
Fax: +264 (064) 200151
Mob: +264 (0) 813096332

ZAMBIA (ZM) - Other / Non-EU

Dr. Caesar Lubaba

Chief Epidemio-Surveillance and Information Officer

Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock

Tel: +260 (0)97 7 613 558