BTSF National Contact Points List

BTSF National Contact Points (BTSF NCPs) are designated by EU Member States and over 80 non-EU countries to coordinate BTSF participation and liaise with the Commission services and contractors. Competent authority staff from these countries interested in participating in BTSF training should contact their BTSF NCP.

Other interested parties from non-EU countries should refer to the relevant contractor responsible for the activity in which they wish to take part.

You can view the full BTSF NCP list by clicking on one of the two links below depending on the format of your choice.

To quickly find the BTSF NCP from a particular country, enter the name of the country in the search box below and press Save settings.

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COUNTRY (SHORT CODE) - Membership Status
Last Update: 17/07/2024
NCP Details
e-mail address/es
POLAND (PL) - EU Member State

Ms Agnieszka Maćków, DVM

EU & Foreign Cooperation Office

General Veterinary Inspectorate

Wspólna street 30, 00-930 Warszawa POLAND

Agnieszka Szczepańska-Gendek

Mateusz Lubański

Departament Bezpieczeństwa Żywności i Żywienia / Department of Food and Nutrition Safety

Główny Inspektorat Sanitarny / Chief Sanitary Inspectorate

ul. Targowa 65, 03-729 Warszawa / 65 Targowa St, 03-729 Warsaw POLAND

Contact Details

Tel.: +48 22 623 18 51

Tel: +48 22 34 53 446

PORTUGAL (PT) - EU Member State

General-Directorate of Food and Veterinary

Campo Grande 50, 1770-093 Lisboa PORTUGAL

Contact Details

Tel.: +351 213 239 584
Tel.: +351 213 239 500

ROMANIA (RO) - EU Member State

Mrs. Alecsandra Dida Cozachievici
Mrs. Elena Dragomir

National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority

Piata Presei Libere, No 1, D1, 1 District, 013701 Bucharest ROMANIA

Contact Details

Tel:  +40372 184 976
Fax: +40372 184 993

SLOVAKIA (SK) - EU Member State

Ing. David Belás


Ing. Ľubica Hózová

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development SR Department of Food Safety and Nutrition

Dobrovicova 12, 812 66 Bratislava SLOVAKIA

Contact Details

Tel: +421 2 59 266 556

Tel: +421 2 59 266 564

SLOVENIA (SI) - EU Member State

Mrs Suzana Marolt

The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection

Dunajska cesta 22, 1000 Ljublana SLOVENIA

Contact Details

Tel:  +386 1 300 13 00
Fax: +386 1 300 13 56

SPAIN (ES) - EU Member State

Dª. Paloma Cervera Lucini

Subdirector Adjunto de la Subdirección General de Sanidad e Higiene Animal y Trazabilidad

Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social
c/Alcalá 56 (despacho 444) 28014 Madrid SPAIN

D. José Luis Saéz Llorente

Subdirector Adjunto de la Subdirección General de Sanidad e Higiene Animal y Trazabilidad

Dirección General de Sanidad de la Producción Agroalimentaria y Bienestar Animal
Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
c/Almagro 33, 2ª planta, 28010 Madrid SPAIN

Contact Details

Tel: + 34 91 338 0496
Fax: +34 91 338 0238
Tel:  +34 91 347 40 60
Fax: +34 91 347 82 99

SWEDEN (SE) - EU Member State

Annie Sattari

The National Food Agency

Box 622, 751 26 Uppsala SWEDEN

Contact Details

Tel: +46 18 17 55 00


Ms Sharon Lynn

Charlotte Camilleri

Food Standards Agency

Foss House
Peasholme Gree, York, YO1 7PR, England

For contact details of the NCP Northern Ireland please click below:

NCP Northern Ireland
Contact Details

Tel: +44 7977 292 262


Ms Svetlana Tomeska Mickova, DVM

Head of Department

EU and International Cooperation Department
Food and Veterinary Agency
III Makedonska brigade 20

Macedonia tabak building, 1000 Skopje

Jasmin Hadji Vasilev

Head of Unit

Unit for EU legislation and European integration
Department for EU and International Cooperation
Food and Veterinary Agency
III Makedonska brigada 20

1000 Skopje

Contact Details

Tel:   +389 2 2457 895 ext. 120
Fax:  +389 2 2457 871 ext. 147
Mob: +389 70 409 430
Tel. +389 2 2457 895 ext.128
Fax. +389 2 2457 893 ext.147
Mob: +389 70 40 94 34

MONTENEGRO (ME) - Candidate Country

Ms Mirjana Lekic

EFSA Focal Point in Montenegro

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs

Serdara Jola Piletica no. 26, 81000 Podgorica MONTENEGRO

Contact Details

Tel:  +382 20 201 945