BTSF Training Programme on Animal disease preparedness. ...

BTSF Training Programme on Animal disease preparedness.

The Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA, formerly Chafea) and the European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Food Safety organised a set of 15 training sessions in the field of Animal disease preparedness, including early warning, contingency planning and animal disease control as part of the Better Training for Safer Food initiative. In total, 450 participants coming from selected Member States and other countries have been be invited.

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Animal Disease Preparedness are:

  • To provide for a common understanding of the current state of play of tools suitable to address emerging animal diseases (including zoonoses), and the related early reaction veterinary interventions.
  • To increase the efficacy of veterinary services in protecting the EU territory against the occurrence of emerging animal diseases.
  • To give the opportunity to the trainees to compare key elements of contingency plans and other preparedness elements elaborated by their respective Member States in order to identify and share best practices.

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Officials from relevant competent authorities involved in policy making, planning and control at central or regional level, on terrestrial or aquatic animal health, intra-EU trade of terrestrial or aquatic animals and germinal products and imports of live animals, products of animal origin and germinal products and
  • Member State veterinary services staff with adequate professional experience, familiar with the relevant EU legislation and animal disease surveillance and the most modern and effective control measures.

Participants must meet the minimum requirements below to ensure they can follow and fully participate:

  • In a position to provide training to other colleagues and share the experience following their attendance to the training.
  • To understand and speak English in order to participate actively in the training session.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 12/09/2022 16/09/2022 Riga Latvia
2 24/10/2022 28/10/2022 Sofia Bulgaria
3 14/11/2022 18/11/2022 Utrecht The Netherlands
4 05/12/2022 09/12/2022 Venice Italy
5 16/01/2023 20/01/2023 Venice Italy
6 13/02/2023 17/02/2023 Utrecht The Netherlands
7 13/03/2023 17/03/2023 Sofia Bulgaria
8 17/04/2023 21/04/2023 Riga Latvia
9 08/05/2023 12/05/2023 Sofia Bulgaria
10 12/06/2023 16/06/2023 Riga Latvia
11 18/09/2023 22/09/2023 Riga Latvia
12 16/10/2023 20/10/2023 Utrecht The Netherlands
13 13/11/2023 17/11/2023 Venice Italy
14 11/12/2023 15/12/2023 Venice Italy
15 15/01/2024 19/01/2024 Utrecht The Netherlands