The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme on Import Regime is to contribute towards a common understanding in the areas of food law, feed law, animal health and animal welfare rules, as well as plant health rules to safer food for consumers and to encourage the dialogue between the EU and the invited countries with the aim to improve the mutual understanding, collaboration and communication,

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Session 10 - EU Controls on food of animal origin: EU legal framework on sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS), animal health, entry certificates to the EU, microbiological criteria, residues of pharmacologically active substances, pesticides, and contaminants in animals and animal-origin products, residue control plans, and official controls at EU border control posts.
  • Session 12 - EU Controls on Food and Feed of non-animal origin: Introduction and overview of the EU legal framework on SPS, Pesticides residues, Contaminants, Microbiology, Controls at EU entry, site visit and debriefing of the visit and conclusion
  • Session 14 - European Union Import Conditions for Fishery Products: The ‘EU-listing’ process, how official controls are to be funded, how audits are being conducted and the European Union food safety system will also be further explained.

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below.

  • National competent authority in charge of relevant topics
  • DG SANTE, HaDEA, Contractor, NCPs, officials, others.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
10 22/04/2024 26/04/2024 Santiago Chile
12 20/11/2023 24/11/2023 Surabaya Indonesia
14 11/12/2023 15/12/2023 Abidjan Ivory Coast