The overall objectives of the BTSF Training course on STM PRO...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training course on STM PROGRAMME on Food Hygiene and Flexibility are:

  • Raise awareness and improve understanding of flexibility provisions of the Hygiene Package;
  • Highlight how provisions are not always used completely and not in the proper manner;
  • Promote exchange of experience in order to increase the level of expertise and harmonization in the approach to flexibility;
  • Ensure a better use of flexibility provisions
  • Disseminate best practices for official controls when flexibility is applied;
  • Raise awareness on notification procedures and importance of their adoption;
  • Use of case studies and workshop exercises, based on specific Irish products/ situations.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Flexibility through the Hygiene Regulations: general overview and concept. Legal bases, flexibility provisions included in the FHP, EC guidance documents
  • DG Sante findings in relation to the application of flexibility provisions of the Hygiene Package
  • Activities excluded from the scope of the hygiene Regulations
  • Direct supply from small producers to consumers: the situation in Ireland
  • Flexibility for small businesses in relation to building, lay out and equipment
  • Flexibility for small businesses: focus on the meat sector
  • Flexibility for small businesses: focus on the dairy sector and on food of non animal origin sectors
  • Flexibility with regard to the implementation of procedures based on the HACCP principles
  • Flexibility and HACCP based procedures: the Irish situation
  • Flexibility with regard to Regulation (EC) nº 2073/2005 and the Irish situation
  • Flexibility provisions pursuant to Article 7 of Regulation (EC) nº 2074/2005, foods with traditional characteristics
  • Flexibility measures to enable the continued use of traditional methods: scope and practical examples
  • Flexibility measures to accommodate the needs of food businesses situated in regions subject to special geographic constraints
  • Flexibility measures and documentation in individual establishments
  • National measures and notification process
  • Analysis of the notifications in the TRIS database and examples from the last notifications

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Irish Competent Authorities
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 10/10/2023 12/10/2023 Grange Ireland
2 14/11/2023 16/11/2023 Grange Ireland