The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on EFSA's toolkit for plant health surveillance using statistically risk-based surveys are:

  • to introduce the EFSA toolkit and the methodology supporting the planning of surveillance activities
  • to present the latest developments such as the Risk-based Pest Survey Tool (RiPEST). The training will illustrate all the practical activities using this new tool. RiPEST is a new expert system adapted to the plant health context.

This toolkit has been developed to support Member States and third ountries in planning and execution of their surveillance activities.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • To assess the effectiveness of participating countries’ protocols to deliver a harmonised and cross-border response to a serious multi-country plant health incident.
  • To assess the effectiveness of the collaborative working arrangements both within and between participating countries and relevant EU bodies.
  • To assess the degree to which there is a common and consistent understanding and application of key definitions and concepts, and of the existing alert systems and communication tools.
  • To identify learning that can be shared and used to enhance participant’s response capability, EU protocols and ways of working so as to inform future EU training and exercising initiatives.

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Being a part of inspection services of national, regional or local authorities competent for the planning and execution of the pest surveys such as National Plant Protection Organisations, Forestry services or risk managers involved in decisions related to the planning of surveillance activities and managing the contingency plans for crisis preparedness in case of outbreaks of regulated plant pests;
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in specific professional positions such as a phytosanitary inspector responsible for planning and conducting pest surveys, or a risk manager responsible for planning surveillance activities and managing contingency plans for crisis preparedness for outbreaks of regulated plant pests and be fluent in English;
  • Experience in planning and execution of pest surveys in National/Regional/Local Plant Protection Organisation and in risk management of surveillance activities and implementation of contingency plans for crisis preparedness for regulated pest outbreaks.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 03/10/2023 05/10/2023 Valencia Spain
2 16/01/2024 18/01/2024 Parma Italy
3  23/09/2024  25/09/2024  Malaga  Spain