BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare at slaughter - poul...

BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare at slaughter - poultry (advanced).

Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport.

The overall objectives are:

  • Raising awareness and promoting a common understanding of the EU animal welfare rules applicable to poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
  • Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
  • Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
  • Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
  • Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
  • Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session Title Start Date End Date
1 Animal welfare at slaughter - poultry (advanced) - I 15/11/2022 17/11/2022
2 Animal welfare at slaughter - poultry (advanced) - II 18/04/2023 20/04/2023