The overall objective of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Setting-up and implementation of an audit system and basics for performing a detailed audit is:

To disseminate best practices for auditing procedures, improving knowledge of this complex area of work and ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union. The training is aimed to assist in developing a consistent approach across the Member States and in providing assurances that the audit findings in different reports are of comparable value.

Extended Objectives are:

  • To provide for a common understanding of the current state of play of suitable tools and approaches to address outbreaks of priority pests in the EU territory;
  • To assess and identify generic (and specific) eradication and containment measures;
  • To give the opportunity to trainees to compare key elements of contingency plans and other preparedness elements elaborated by their respective Member States in order to identify and share best practices;
  • To share best practices of the structure of contingency plans and response to crisis situations in food safety and animal health sectors

The course addresses the following topics:

  • What is an Audit, auditing principles, audit types and auditing bodies
  • Audits at EU Level. Main findings and recommendations from DG SANTE audits of NAS in MS
  • EU Legal Framework, NAS Reference Documents and International Standards
  • Organization of internal audit systems
  • Fundamental Process of audit under ISO 19011/ 2011. Role of IIA
  • Setting up an Internal Audit Function - Organizational requirements - Nature of Audit Process
  • Risk Based Audit Programming
  • Implementation of Audit Process
  • Compliance with planned arrangements
  • Effective implementation, Suitability to achieve objectives
  • Audit Reporting and Follow-up; Audit Review and Dissemination of Best Practice
  •  Audit Resources, Auditor Competence
  • Measuring the effectiveness of official controls

This Training Programme has been addressed to officials of the EU Member States, Candidate Countries, EEA/EFTA countries, Potential Candidate, Eastern neighbouring and Mediterranean basin countries, and selected non- EU countries who are directly involved in auditing of official controls

Session Title Start Date End Date City Country
1 13/12/2021 17/12/2021 VC Zoom
2 14/02/2022 18/02/2022 VC Zoom
3 07/03/2022 11/03/2022 VC Zoom
6 30/05/2022 03/06/2022 Bologna Italy
8 10/10/2022 14/10/2022 Barcelona Spain
10 05/12/2022 09/12/2022 Rome Italy
12 27/03/203 31/03/2023 Riga Latvia