The general objective of BTSF is to ensure a high level of consumer protection at the EU market and provide guarantees of the food from non-EU countries.

In order to achieve this objective, BTSF programme is designed predominantly to train staff of competent authorities of the EU Member States involved in official control activities, offering an adequate network and enhance dialogue between trainees coming from different locations within EU and with trainees from outside the European Union, contributing to exchange experiences and raise the level of knowledge in the technical field covered.

In addition, training on inspection and calibration of pesticide application equipment aims at promoting uniformity of inspection procedures, ensure an adequate use of the technology, and establish professional networking among participants.

Training activities on inspection and calibration of plant protection product application equipment in professional use have been arranged in compliance with the provisions of Directive 2009/128/EC under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative. Six three-day courses will be organized in 2019 and 2020 at the selected locations to train 120 official representatives of the EU MS and Candidate Countries.

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme on Pesticide application equipment are:

  • Increase knowledge and awareness of EU regulations concerning inspection and calibration of pesticides application equipment (Sustainable Use Directive, Machine Directive, ISO standards for inspection of PAEs, ISO standards for new sprayer’s requirements, etc.).
  • Ensure a complete and better understanding on the field of inspections and calibrations of PAEs.
  • Provide main guidelines and clear procedures on important aspects of calibration and maintenance of PAEs.
  • Promote uniformity and harmonization of inspection procedures along MS of UE and networking among participants.
  • Demonstrate the benefits (technical, economic and environmental) of the inspection procedure together with a proper calibration method.
  • Ensure a harmonized, practical and suitable training process for staff in charge of the organization of inspector’s training activities in Europe.
  • Keep participants updated with the latest developments in the spray application technologies.
  • Sharing country’s experiences and knowledge.

Topics included in the program are mainly focused on related with the mandatory inspection of sprayers in use in EU and also the important aspects related with calibration of the sprayers. According to the Sustainable Use Directive (SUD) (128/2009/CE) as official procedure of the inspections, the situation of new ISO standards, administrative procedure, technical requirements and differences among EU members should be addressed during the three days courses. Linked to that, and also following the SUD statement concerning calibration of sprayers, aspects as nozzle selection process, determination of the optimal volume rate, drift reduction and good agricultural practices will be included. Precision agriculture has been also included as a part of the program, giving to the attendants some guidelines about the state of the art and possibilities of the use of new technologies to improve the pesticide application process. The program has been organized in a logical order combining administrative, technical and practical aspects. Workshops, discussion sessions and case studies have been selected and programmed to make more attractive and profitable the course for the attendants.

According to the mandatory topics specified in the official call published by DG SANTÉ, the following topics will be addressed during the 3-day training course (2 full days and 2 half days):

  • Introduction about EU framework legislation related to PAE.
  • PAE inspections: state of play in the EU.
  • Practical introduction about PAE.
  • Application of ISO standards for inspections.
  • Equipment for inspection of sprayers.
  • Inspection procedure and equipment for inspections.
  • Methodologies applied in MS concerning inspections.
  • Full inspection procedure following ISO 16122-1&2 (boom sprayers).
  • Full inspection procedure following ISO 16122-1&3 (orchard sprayers)
  • Full inspection procedure of alternative PAE (knapsacks, hand held…) .
  • Users level of PAE: calibration, maintenance, preparation and operation.
  • Calibration process in the field – use of new developed tools for calibration.
  • Inspection and calibration of PAE.
  • Hand held PAE and knapsacks sprayers. Specific risk and calibration.
  • Calibration tools and procedures for hand held sprayers.
  • Discussion about inspection procedure and calibration.
  • Personal protective equipment. Proper use, requirements, maintenance.
  • “TOPPS-WATER PROTECTION” – Best Management Practices.
  • Organization of inspection program. Data management. National standards applied in MS.
  • How to deal with inspection process of other PAE.
  • Inspector’s training organization.
  • Design and organization of an inspector’s training program.
  • Derogations applied in MS regarding the need of inspections of certain PAE. Risk assessment.
  • Evaluation and classification of PAE according environmental contamination.
  • STEP WATER/EOS -Sprayer technology – Protecting water.
  • New technologies for a better spray application process. Precision farming.
  • EU projects -INNOSETA, OPTIMA.
  • Drones in agriculture. Potential uses for crop care.
  • After training test – Evaluation of the attendants as a group.
  • General conclusions -Results before/after training tests.
  • Closing of the training.

Staff of competent authorities involved in official control activities from the EU Member States, potential candidate countries and EFTA/EEA.

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 26/11/2019 29/11/2019 Montpellier France
2 04/02/2020 07/02/2020 Barcelona Spain
- 23/05/2022 26/05/2022 Skierniewice Poland
4 20/09/2022 23/09/2022 Torino Italy
5 18/10/2022 21/10/2022 Wageningen The Netherlands
6 29/11/2022 02/12/2022 Barcelona Spain
3 postponed 23/05/2023 26/05/2023 Barcelona Spain
II-1 27/02/2024 01/03/2024 Torino Italy
II-2 28/05/2024 31/05/2024 Barcelona Spain
II-3 02/07/2024 05/07/2024 Wageningen The Netherlands
II-4 10/09/2024 13/09/2024 Montpellier France
II-5 06/05/2025 09/05/2025 Poland Skierniewice
II-6 17/06/2025 20/06/2025 Barcelona Spain