Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed - eLearning module
This eLearning course is aimed at allowing participants to improve their knowledge and skills in:
- EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (recent developments and aspects of Food Law, food hygiene, food control rules and other relevant legislation).
- Requirements for setting up a RASFF network inside a country, including required level of food and feed controls.
- Organisational structure of competent authorities.
- Legal basis and communication needs.
- Requirements for setting up a regional network of countries exchanging rapid alerts about Food and Feed, including the possibility for exchange of information, required legal basis for the system, transparency and confidentiality requirements and notification follow-up.
365 days access
- Average dedication: 8 hours
- 6 Units
- Self-Paced
- Multimedia
Available in:
- English
- Other languages
How to Register
- If you are an government official, you can apply using the BTSF ACADEMY Training Management System.
- If you are a staff member working in EU Institutions contact HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu to request registration.
- For any other enquiries please send a message to HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu and the BTSF ACADEMY Team will be glad to assist you.