The eLearning module aims to inform the key actors in charge ...

The eLearning module aims to inform the key actors in charge of pesticide risk assessment and management, as well as pesticide users, about the specific tools, techniques and practices that lead to lower exposure of non-target organisms, including human beings, to pesticides.

The specific objectives of the training are:

  • To present good practices, tools, techniques and procedures relating to risk mitigation measures in the field of pesticides.
  • To present how these measures can be considered in the risk assessment to help the peer review process for active substances and the mutual recognition of authorisations of Plant Protection Products (PPPs).
  • To inform users of PPPs with practical information on the better application of appropriate risk mitigation measures, with special attention to the potential savings of costs and of pesticides (i.e. of direct relevance for farmers).
  • To complement BTSF training courses on integrated pest management, on risk assessment, and on pesticide drift reduction.


 365 days access
  • Average duration: 6 hours
  • 5 Units
  • Self-Paced
  • Multimedia
Available in:

How to Register

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training cCourse on Region...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training cCourse on Regional workshop on the safety of plants and plant products are:

  • EU rules on plant health aim to protect crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamentals and forests from harmful pests and diseases (harmful organisms) by preventing their introduction into the EU or their spread within the EU;
  • EU process of the approval of active substances, the authorization of plant protection products, calculation of the MRLs, the use of the Pesticides database and principles GAP;
  • EU legislation on contaminants especially the Plant toxins and mycotoxins, the basis of the Sampling and analysis, the organisation of the EU Reference Laboratories;
  • EU legislation on food hygiene, requirements on the microbiological criteria, Food irradiation and the Sampling and analysis and methods

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Plant Health
  • Pesticides
  • Food Safety
  • Organic Farming

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. 

  • Representatives from the relevant national authorities on plant products from ASEAN/SAARC Member states including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, India and Sri Lanka, Bangladesh.
  • DG SANTE, HaDEA, Contractor, NCPs, officials, others.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
3 27/06/2022 01/07/2022 Bangkok Thailand
5 24/10/2022 28/10/2022 Nairobi Kenya
8 08/05/2023 12/05/2023 Dakar Senegal
11 15/04/2024 19/04/2024 Santiago Chile
Pathogens, weeds, and invertebrates cause significant cultiva...

Pathogens, weeds, and invertebrates cause significant cultivated plants losses worldwide. Plant protection is necessary to protect our crops. It makes its value and benefit evident for agriculture and forestry, as well as for horticulture, particularly by reducing yield losses and securing the quality of crops. It also provides a substantial overall benefit to society: contributes to securing business farms' incomes in agriculture, forestry and horticulture, and thus also to the securing of employment in rural areas. It is an important factor in enhancing the efficiency of crop production on open land and in securing the harmlessness of these products in terms of health.

The 2006 Thematic Strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides led to a new legislative framework for the approval and use of pesticides. As part of this strategy, Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council was adopted on 21 October (named SUD), establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides by reducing the risks and impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment and promoting the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and of alternative approaches or techniques such as non-chemical alternatives to pesticides.

The EC has been closely following implementation of SUD at MSs level. Considerable progress has been made and nowadays all MSs have adopted their NAPs. Though, the assessment outcomes disclose MSs Implementation under the SUD indicates there is a huge diversity in their completeness and coverage and MSs should improve their plans, as for example, should include measurable targets, in order to provide a clear picture of the extent of SUD implementation.

Special interest and ambitions are focused on the application and assessment of IPM principles and of alternative approaches or techniques such as non-chemical alternatives to pesticides in order to reduce dependency on the use of pesticides. MSs have not yet set clear criteria in order to ensure that the general principles of IPM are implemented by all professional users. Compliance with the principles of IPM at individual grower level is not being systematically checked.

To continue moving towards the better implementation of sustainable use practices and directive provisions, training for the actors involved in developing policies and guidelines, control monitoring and reporting activities is addressed as key toll and a priority for the EC efforts.

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme on Integrated Pest Management (SUD) are:

  • Up-to-date with all aspects of the Directive 2009/128/EC, on Sustainable Use of Pesticides, with a focus on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) aiming at improving the understanding of the IPM concept and IPM schemes moving towards development of criteria for assessment of IPM implementation at farm level.

Specific objectives of the training:

  • To increase knowledge on the sustainable use of pesticides context and strategies.
  • To enhance the knowledge on associated legal framework and requirements with special focus in the specific measures and provisions for the IPM.
  • To increase the efficacy in the implementation National Action Plans (NAPs) measures.
  • To identify gaps, difficulties and challenges like the improvement of measurable targets.
  • To improve the knowledge and resources for the application and assessment of IPM principles.
  • To improve the compliance of IPM at individual grower level.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Legal framework: requirements.
  • MSs compared implementation, strategies and measures, knowledge sharing, best practices.
  • Integrated Pest Management principles, practices and methods.
  • MSs approaches, knowledge exchange and best practices.
  • Integrated Pest Management systems and pest control methods for specific relevant crop/group according IPM Guidelines.
  • Integrated Pest Management assessment at farm level: practices, inspection procedures, check-lists.
  • Representatives from central competent authorities involved in developing policies, drafting instructions/guidelines at national level, including crop specific IPM guidelines, co-ordination of control and reporting activities.
  • Representatives from provincial/regional/local competent authorities involved in official controls at farm level (phytosanitary/plant protection authorities, paying agencies and/or control/certification bodies).
  • Representatives from research institutes, demonstration farms.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 27/06/2022 30/06/2022 Athens Greece
2 (postponed session) 12/09/2022 15/09/2022 Krakow Poland
3 17/10/2022 20/10/2022 Athens Greece
4 14/11/2022 17/11/2022 Malaga Spain
5 12/12/2022 15/12/2022 Delft The Netherlands
7 13/03/2023 16/03/2023 Malaga Spain
8 17/04/2023 20/04/2023 Bologna Italy
9 26/06/2023 29/06/2023 Berlin Germany
10 12/06/2023 15/06/2023 Toulouse France
11 16/10/2023 19/10/2023 Krakow Poland
12 21/11/2023 24/11/2023 Madrid Spain
13 11/12/2023 14/12/2023 Amsterdam The Netherlands
14 18/03/2024 21/03/2024; Bari Italy
15 06/05/2024 09/05/2024 Krakow Poland
16 17/06/2024 20/06/2024 Riga Latvia
The general objective of BTSF is to ensure a high level of co...

The general objective of BTSF is to ensure a high level of consumer protection at the EU market and provide guarantees of the food from non-EU countries.

In order to achieve this objective, BTSF programme is designed predominantly to train staff of competent authorities of the EU Member States involved in official control activities, offering an adequate network and enhance dialogue between trainees coming from different locations within EU and with trainees from outside the European Union, contributing to exchange experiences and raise the level of knowledge in the technical field covered.

In addition, training on inspection and calibration of pesticide application equipment aims at promoting uniformity of inspection procedures, ensure an adequate use of the technology, and establish professional networking among participants.

Training activities on inspection and calibration of plant protection product application equipment in professional use have been arranged in compliance with the provisions of Directive 2009/128/EC under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative. Six three-day courses will be organized in 2019 and 2020 at the selected locations to train 120 official representatives of the EU MS and Candidate Countries.

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme on Pesticide application equipment are:

  • Increase knowledge and awareness of EU regulations concerning inspection and calibration of pesticides application equipment (Sustainable Use Directive, Machine Directive, ISO standards for inspection of PAEs, ISO standards for new sprayer’s requirements, etc.).
  • Ensure a complete and better understanding on the field of inspections and calibrations of PAEs.
  • Provide main guidelines and clear procedures on important aspects of calibration and maintenance of PAEs.
  • Promote uniformity and harmonization of inspection procedures along MS of UE and networking among participants.
  • Demonstrate the benefits (technical, economic and environmental) of the inspection procedure together with a proper calibration method.
  • Ensure a harmonized, practical and suitable training process for staff in charge of the organization of inspector’s training activities in Europe.
  • Keep participants updated with the latest developments in the spray application technologies.
  • Sharing country’s experiences and knowledge.

Topics included in the program are mainly focused on related with the mandatory inspection of sprayers in use in EU and also the important aspects related with calibration of the sprayers. According to the Sustainable Use Directive (SUD) (128/2009/CE) as official procedure of the inspections, the situation of new ISO standards, administrative procedure, technical requirements and differences among EU members should be addressed during the three days courses. Linked to that, and also following the SUD statement concerning calibration of sprayers, aspects as nozzle selection process, determination of the optimal volume rate, drift reduction and good agricultural practices will be included. Precision agriculture has been also included as a part of the program, giving to the attendants some guidelines about the state of the art and possibilities of the use of new technologies to improve the pesticide application process. The program has been organized in a logical order combining administrative, technical and practical aspects. Workshops, discussion sessions and case studies have been selected and programmed to make more attractive and profitable the course for the attendants.

According to the mandatory topics specified in the official call published by DG SANTÉ, the following topics will be addressed during the 3-day training course (2 full days and 2 half days):

  • Introduction about EU framework legislation related to PAE.
  • PAE inspections: state of play in the EU.
  • Practical introduction about PAE.
  • Application of ISO standards for inspections.
  • Equipment for inspection of sprayers.
  • Inspection procedure and equipment for inspections.
  • Methodologies applied in MS concerning inspections.
  • Full inspection procedure following ISO 16122-1&2 (boom sprayers).
  • Full inspection procedure following ISO 16122-1&3 (orchard sprayers)
  • Full inspection procedure of alternative PAE (knapsacks, hand held…) .
  • Users level of PAE: calibration, maintenance, preparation and operation.
  • Calibration process in the field – use of new developed tools for calibration.
  • Inspection and calibration of PAE.
  • Hand held PAE and knapsacks sprayers. Specific risk and calibration.
  • Calibration tools and procedures for hand held sprayers.
  • Discussion about inspection procedure and calibration.
  • Personal protective equipment. Proper use, requirements, maintenance.
  • “TOPPS-WATER PROTECTION” – Best Management Practices.
  • Organization of inspection program. Data management. National standards applied in MS.
  • How to deal with inspection process of other PAE.
  • Inspector’s training organization.
  • Design and organization of an inspector’s training program.
  • Derogations applied in MS regarding the need of inspections of certain PAE. Risk assessment.
  • Evaluation and classification of PAE according environmental contamination.
  • STEP WATER/EOS -Sprayer technology – Protecting water.
  • New technologies for a better spray application process. Precision farming.
  • EU projects -INNOSETA, OPTIMA.
  • Drones in agriculture. Potential uses for crop care.
  • After training test – Evaluation of the attendants as a group.
  • General conclusions -Results before/after training tests.
  • Closing of the training.

Staff of competent authorities involved in official control activities from the EU Member States, potential candidate countries and EFTA/EEA.

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 26/11/2019 29/11/2019 Montpellier France
2 04/02/2020 07/02/2020 Barcelona Spain
- 23/05/2022 26/05/2022 Skierniewice Poland
4 20/09/2022 23/09/2022 Torino Italy
5 18/10/2022 21/10/2022 Wageningen The Netherlands
6 29/11/2022 02/12/2022 Barcelona Spain
3 postponed 23/05/2023 26/05/2023 Barcelona Spain
II-1 27/02/2024 01/03/2024 Torino Italy
II-2 28/05/2024 31/05/2024 Barcelona Spain
II-3 02/07/2024 05/07/2024 Wageningen The Netherlands
II-4 10/09/2024 13/09/2024 Montpellier France
II-5 06/05/2025 09/05/2025 Poland Skierniewice
II-6 17/06/2025 20/06/2025 Barcelona Spain
The BTSF Training Programme on PPP evaluation: Assessment of ...

The BTSF Training Programme on PPP evaluation: Assessment of the environmental fate and behavior of plant protection products in soil, water and air overall objectives are:

  • The purpose of the program is aimed to the provision of training and knowledge on the topics required under Directive 2009/128/EC, where Member States shall ensure that all professional users and distributors have access to appropriate training systems provided by bodies designated by the competent authorities.For this reason each course is divided in three modules: the legal requirements, the safe use and environmental aspects and sustainable use of PPPs.

The course addresses the following topics:

Module 1- General approaches to risks evaluation: difference between hazard and risk and the pesticide risk assessment evaluation approach, effects evaluation on non-target organism, exposure assessment, the significance of the relationship between effects and exposure, the importance of risk characterization.

  • General approaches and current state of knowledge to defining end points and other criteria related to intrinsic characteristic of the active ingredients and the dose that could express an effect on humans and non-target organism.
  • General approaches on chemical, physical characteristic that influence the fate of a chemical and current state of knowledge on multimedia fate models to define and to understand the fate and behavior of a pesticide active ingredient and to predict a concentration in soil air and water (exposure).

Module 2- The EU legislative framework on pesticide risk evaluation and sustainability including the pesticide package, information on IPM and the different methodologies available and the link with other regulations as the WFD (the Directive 2000/60/EC).

  • An analysis and exchange on risk assessment methodologies applied at national level for the assessment of plant protection products and authorizations process will be performed.
  • Participants will be asked, after the confirmation of the course participation, to respond to a questionnaire prepared by the trainers’ staff, on this subject in order to share the data that will emerge and discuss the differences between the various approaches, and the limit of harmonization.

Module 3 - Exposure refinement and mitigation measure applicable.

  • Option to refine the modelling assumptions from conservative default parameters to more realistic conditions.
  • The integration of models and geographical information systems (GIS) for a better calibration of the procedure and the validation of exposure prediction and risk assessment.
  • level of risk reduction degree of the principal mitigation measure applied in risk assessment to obtain safe use and the link with MAgPie evaluation.
  • Inventory of the mitigation measure in MAgPie, the evaluation of their efficacy taking into account the additional effect of more than one mitigation, the diversity of the tools developed and implemented throughout European countries, as well as the number of regulatory frameworks to which they relate or with which they may overlap.
  • An analysis and exchange on the mitigation measure applicability in different context will be developed. A case study will be presented and working group will be organized to analyse different situation in different context and culture.
  • Official control activities.
  • Risk assessors.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 03/10/2022 07/10/2022 Milan Italy
2 06/03/2023 10/03/2023 Turin Italy
The BTSF Training Programme on Eco-toxicological risk assessm...

The BTSF Training Programme on Eco-toxicological risk assessment overall objectives is:

  • At the end the trainee should be improved in his/her cognitive skills, knowledge and comprehension of the difference between hazard and risk and the general rules for the ecotoxicological risk evaluation.

The course addresses the following topics:

Module 1

  • General approaches to risks evaluation: difference between hazard and risk and the pesticide risk assessment evaluation approach, effects evaluation on non-target organism, exposure assessment, the significance of the relationship between effects and exposure, the importance of risk characterization.
  • General approaches and current state of knowledge to defining end points and other criteria related to intrinsic characteristic of the active ingredients and the dose that could express an effect on humans and non-target organism.
  • General approaches on chemical, physical characteristic that influence the fate of a chemical and current state of knowledge on multimedia fate models to define and to understand the fate and behavior of a pesticide active ingredient and to predict a concentration in soil air and water (exposure).
  • General approach in defining the non-target organism, the food chain, the bioaccumulation and biomagnification, the ecosystems and examples of risk characterization.
  • The exposure sources: Point Source Contamination and Diffuse Source Contamination.

Module 2

  • The EU legislative framework on pesticide risk evaluation and sustainability including the pesticide package, information on IPM and the different methodologies available and the link with other regulations as the WFD (the Directive 2000/60/EC).
  • An analysis and exchange on risk assessment methodologies applied at national level for the assessment of plant protection products and authorizations process will be performed. Participants will be asked, after the confirmation of the course participation, to respond to a questionnaire prepared by the trainers’ staff, on this subject in order to share the data that will emerge and discuss the differences between the various approaches, and the limit of harmonization.

Module 3

  • Evaluation of the exposure and the mitigation measure applicable.
  • The decision supporting systems available to prevent environmental contamination after a pesticide treatment and the comparative management assessment.
  • Diagnostic tools of run off in different contexts.
  • Drift diagnosis tools: machine calibration and SDRT related reduction percentages from MAgPie and Mitigation Measure for drift limitation in different contexts.
  • Level of risk reduction degree of the principal mitigation measure applied in risk assessment to obtain safe use and the link with MAgPie evaluation.
  • Pesticide label reading and mitigation measure label evaluation, safe and risk phrases.
  • Inventory of the mitigation measure in MAgPie, the evaluation of their efficacy taking into account the additional effect of more than one mitigation, the diversity of the tools developed and implemented throughout European countries, as well as the number of regulatory frameworks to which they relate or with which they may overlap.
  • An analysis and exchange on the mitigation measure applicability in different context will be developed. A case study will be presented and working group will be organized in order to analyse different situation in different context and culture.
  • Official control activities.
  • Risk assessors.

Phase 1

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 24/06/2019 28/06/2019 Aveiro Portugal
2 28/06/2021 02/07/2021 Online Virtual

Phase 2

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 09/05/2022 13/05/2022 Aveiro Portugal
2 15/05/2023 19/05/2023 Lisbon Portugal

BTSF mācību programma par PPP novērtēšanu: Toksikoloģiskā riska novērtējuma (cilvēka veselība) vispārējie mērķi ir šādi:

  • Beigās stažierim būtu jāuzlabo kognitīvās prasmes, zināšanas un izpratne par atšķirību starp bīstamību un risku un par vispārējiem riska novērtēšanas noteikumiem.
  • Beigās apmācāmais zina aspektus, kas saistīti vai nu ar ķīmisko vielu novērtēšanas procesu, vai ar pārvaldības prasībām.

Kursā tiek aplūkotas šādas tēmas:


  • Vispārējas pieejas risku novērtēšanai. Atšķirība starp bīstamību un risku un riska novērtēšanas pieeju: ietekmes novērtējums, iedarbības novērtējums, ietekmes un iedarbības saistības nozīmīgums, riska raksturojuma nozīmīgums.
  • Vispārīgas pieejas, lai noteiktu beigu punktus un citus kritērijus, kas saistīti ar aktīvo vielu raksturīgajām īpašībām un devu, kas var izpausties kā ietekme uz cilvēkiem.
  • Vispārīgas pieejas, lai noteiktu ķīmiskās un fizikālās īpašības, kas ļauj izprast pesticīdu aktīvās vielas apriti un uzvedību un ķīmisko vielu kustību, kā arī prognozēt koncentrāciju (iedarbību) dažādos vides segmentos pēc tās izplatīšanas.
  • Atšķirības starp punktveida avota piesārņojumu un difūzā avota piesārņojumu.


  • ES tiesiskais regulējums par pesticīdu riska novērtēšanu un ilgtspēju, tostarp pesticīdu tiesību aktu kopums, informācija par IAA un dažādām pieejamām metodikām, kā arī saikne ar citiem noteikumiem, piemēram, Ūdens pamatdirektīvu (Direktīva 2000/60/EK).
  • Tiks veikta analīze un informācijas apmaiņa par riska novērtēšanas metodēm, ko valsts līmenī piemēro augu aizsardzības līdzekļu novērtēšanai un atļauju piešķiršanas procesam.
  • Pēc dalības kursā apstiprināšanas dalībniekus aicinās atbildēt uz pasniedzēju sagatavotās anketas jautājumiem par šo tematu, lai dalītos ar iegūtajiem datiem un apspriestu atšķirības starp dažādām pieejām un saskaņošanas robežu.


  • Iedarbības uz cilvēkiem novērtēšana un mazināšanas pasākumi dažādiem mērķiem.
  • Iespēja precizēt modelēšanas pieņēmumus no konservatīviem noklusējuma parametriem uz reālistiskākiem apstākļiem.
  • Vispārīgas pieejas patērētāju riska ekspozīcijas novērtēšanai, pašreizējais zināšanu līmenis un rīki.
  • Vispārīgas pieejas pesticīdu arodekspozīcijas novērtēšanai, pašreizējais zināšanu līmenis un profilakses un aizsardzības perspektīvas, tostarp pesticīdu aizsardzības līdzekļi. Dažādu iedarbības avotu novērtējums un procedūras likumīgai un drošai iedarbībai:
  • Augu aizsardzības līdzekļu uzglabāšana un manipulācijas ar tiem, maisījuma sagatavošana, konteineru un aprīkojuma mazgāšana pēc apstrādes, notekūdeņu un iepakojuma likvidēšana, ievērojot “saimniecības dzīves cikla pārvaldību” un MagPie pasākumu rīkkopu, ja tāda ir pieejama.
  • Vispārēja pieeja attiecībā uz riska darījumiem, kas nav saistīti ar profesionālo darbību. Saskaņā ar Ilgtspējīgas lietošanas direktīvu dalībvalstīm ir jāizstrādā īpaši pasākumi, lai līdz minimumam samazinātu arī pesticīdu iedarbību, kas nav saistīta ar profesionālo darbību un nav saistīta ar patērētāju. Tiks prezentēts un apspriests EFSA modelis un nesenais AAP ekspertu grupas zinātniskais atzinums par turpmākiem pasākumiem saistībā ar ārējā zinātniskā ziņojuma “Literatūras pārskats par epidemioloģiskajiem pētījumiem, kas saista eksponētību pesticīdiem un ietekmi uz veselību” konstatējumiem.
  • Pesticīdu etiķešu nolasīšana un etiķešu ietekmes mazināšanas pasākumu izvērtēšana, drošas un riska frāzes.
  • Oficiālās kontroles darbības.
  • Riska novērtētāji.
Sesija Sākuma datums Beigu datums Pilsēta Valsts Kursa ID
1 09/11/2022 11/11/2022 Atēnas Grieķija 3045
2 24/05/2023 26/05/2023 Atēnas Grieķija 3052
Organisation and implementation of training activities on the...

Organisation and implementation of training activities on the Risk assessment of microorganisms used as pesticides and biocides under the Better Training For Safer Food Academy.

The objective of the training is to support development of expertise as regards the risk assessment methodologies for microorganisms to be used in biocidal and plant protection products. This shall also enhance competences in evaluating dossier admissibility/validity and risk assessment, and will also aim to promote, as much as possible, harmonisation of the procedures of evaluation, and authorisation of such microorganisms within the EU.

The training targets participants from the competents authorities of EU member states, Candidate Countries, EFTA/EEA Countries and potential candidate countries.

Phase I

Session Start Date End Date Location Country
1 28/06/2021 02/07/2021 ONLINE RAMO
2 04/10/2021 08/10/2021 ONLINE RAMO
3 25/10/2021 29/10/2021 ONLINE RAMO
4 22/11/2021 26/11/2021 ONLINE RAMO
5 14/02/2022 18/02/2022 ONLINE RAMO
6 14/03/2022 18/03/2022 ONLINE RAMO
7 30/05/2022 03/06/2022 ONLINE RAMO
8 27/09/2022 30/09/2022 Riga Latvia
9 22/11/2022
10 07/02/2023 10/02/2023 Sofia Bulgaria

Phase II

1 20/02/2024 23/02/2024 Brussels BELGIUM
2 16/04/2024 19/04/2024 Valencia SPAIN
3 04/06/2024 07/06/2024 Bucharest ROMANIA
4 08/10/2024 11/10/2024 Riga LATVIA
5 10/12/2024 13/12/2024 Valetta MALTA
6 03/02/2025 06/02/2025 Porto PORTUGAL