BTSF Training course on Plant health controls - Outbreaks in ...

BTSF Training course on Plant health controls - Outbreaks in Forestry and ornamental

The overall objective is:

  • To increasing knowledge and providing for a common and unambiguous understanding of EU legislation and its' correct and harmonized implementation across the EU.
  • Furthermore, it should allow the exchange of information and experience amongst MS and increase the efficacy of plant health services.

Therefore, the objectives of the training are addressed to improve understanding, exchange knowledge, national approaches and best practices on Plant Health Controls.

The training course is mainly addressed to:

  • Course 3b (HO-FNEU): Official staff responsible (or responsible official bodies) in charge of organising and implementing harmful organism outbreak control and surveys of harmful organism.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 24/04/2023 28/04/2023 Vigo Spain
2 19/02/2024 23/02/2024 Munich Germany
3 10/06/2024 14/06/2024 Vigo Spain
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course ...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on EFSA's toolkit for plant health surveillance using statistically risk-based surveys are:

  • to introduce the EFSA toolkit and the methodology supporting the planning of surveillance activities
  • to present the latest developments such as the Risk-based Pest Survey Tool (RiPEST). The training will illustrate all the practical activities using this new tool. RiPEST is a new expert system adapted to the plant health context.

This toolkit has been developed to support Member States and third ountries in planning and execution of their surveillance activities.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • To assess the effectiveness of participating countries’ protocols to deliver a harmonised and cross-border response to a serious multi-country plant health incident.
  • To assess the effectiveness of the collaborative working arrangements both within and between participating countries and relevant EU bodies.
  • To assess the degree to which there is a common and consistent understanding and application of key definitions and concepts, and of the existing alert systems and communication tools.
  • To identify learning that can be shared and used to enhance participant’s response capability, EU protocols and ways of working so as to inform future EU training and exercising initiatives.

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Being a part of inspection services of national, regional or local authorities competent for the planning and execution of the pest surveys such as National Plant Protection Organisations, Forestry services or risk managers involved in decisions related to the planning of surveillance activities and managing the contingency plans for crisis preparedness in case of outbreaks of regulated plant pests;
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in specific professional positions such as a phytosanitary inspector responsible for planning and conducting pest surveys, or a risk manager responsible for planning surveillance activities and managing contingency plans for crisis preparedness for outbreaks of regulated plant pests and be fluent in English;
  • Experience in planning and execution of pest surveys in National/Regional/Local Plant Protection Organisation and in risk management of surveillance activities and implementation of contingency plans for crisis preparedness for regulated pest outbreaks.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 03/10/2023 05/10/2023 Valencia Spain
2 16/01/2024 18/01/2024 Parma Italy
3 23/09/2024 25/09/2024 Malaga Spain
BTSF Training course on Plant health controls - Outbreaks in ...

BTSF Training course on Plant health controls - Outbreaks in Agricultural and horticulture products

The overall objective is:

  • To increasing knowledge and providing for a common and unambiguous understanding of EU legislation and its' correct and harmonized implementation across the EU.
  • Furthermore, it should allow the exchange of information and experience amongst MS and increase the efficacy of plant health services.

Therefore, the objectives of the training are addressed to improve understanding, exchange knowledge, national approaches and best practices on Plant Health Controls.

The training course is mainly addressed to:

  • Course 3a (HO-AH): Official staff responsible (or responsible official bodies) in charge of organising and implementing harmful organism outbreak control and surveys of harmful organism.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 20/03/2023 24/03/2023 Alicante Spain
2 23/10/2023 27/10/2023 Alicante Spain
3 22/01/2024 26/01/2024 Nice France
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training course on Inter-s...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training course on Inter-sectoral simulation exercises on crisis management coordination in Plant Health are to prepare, hold and evaluate inter-sectorial table top simulation exercises on outbreak coordination and crisis response involving agri-food chain authorities, and where needed, public health authorities, as well as crisis coordinators:

  • improving preparedness and response planning for crisis situations through testing procedures in place at national (contingency plans) and EU level (e.g. the crisis general plan);
  • ensuring coherence, interoperability and coordination between the local, national and EU level;
  • ensuring interaction between Member States and with international partners concerned by using the appropriate channels;
  • ensuring coordination between competent authorities and other stakeholders at national level;
  • guaranteeing coordination of risk communication at local, national and EU level;
  • improving preparedness to communication and decision-making challenges in crisis situations, such as e.g. deciding when to communicate, how to handle uncertainty when communicating and how to balance scientific assessments vs political evaluation, trade, economic impact, consumer confidence and public health.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • 01. Exercise Introduction : Background, Aims & Objectives
  • 02. Crisis management coordination and response in the plant health sector: institutional and legal framework
  • 03. General and specific contingency plans
  • 04. IMSOC/EUROPHYT and multi-country outbreaks
  • 05. Experience with Popillia japonica Newman outbreak
  • Simulation Exercise Injects
  • 08. Recap on the simulation exercise (hot wash and elements of SimEx Report)
  • 09. Exercise debrief: Lessons identified, actions required to ensure lessons learned (Improvement Plan)

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

The training is addressed to officials from competent authorities involved in crisis preparedness and management (preferably at central and/or regional level) in the chosen field coming from Member States only, subject to Commission approval and who have committed to disseminating training material within their organisations.

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 11/10/2022 13/10/2022 Brussels Belgium
2 03/10/2023 05/10/2023 CANCELLED CANCELLED
3 29/11/2023 01/12/2023 CANCELLED CANCELLED
4 27/05/2024 &29/05/2024 Warsaw Poland
5 01/07/2024 03/07/2024 Bratislava Slovakia
6 28/10/2024 26/11/2024 30/10/2024 28/11/2024 Rome Italy
BTSF Training course on Plant health controls - Non-timber fo...

BTSF Training course on Plant health controls - Non-timber forest products

The overall objective is:

  • To increasing knowledge and providing for a common and unambiguous understanding of EU legislation and its' correct and harmonized implementation across the EU.
  • Furthermore, it should allow the exchange of information and experience amongst MS and increase the efficacy of plant health services.

Therefore, the objectives of the training are addressed to improve understanding, exchange knowledge, national approaches and best practices on Plant Health Controls.

The training course is mainly addressed to:

  • Course 2 (NTFP): Officials who control imported WPM and non-timber forest products, and/or supervising the treatment and marking of WPM or in charge of planning/implementation of official controls on WPM and non-timber forest products.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 15/05/2023 19/05/2023 Tallinn Estonia
2 11/12/2023 15/12/2023 Lisbon Portugal
3 22/04/2024 26/04/2024 Tallinn Estonia
BTSF Training course on Plant health controls - Import contro...

BTSF Training course on Plant health controls - Import controls of plant health

The overall objective is:

  • To increasing knowledge and providing for a common and unambiguous understanding of EU legislation and its' correct and harmonized implementation across the EU.
  • Furthermore, it should allow the exchange of information and experience amongst MS and increase the efficacy of plant health services.

Therefore, the objectives of the training are addressed to improve understanding, exchange knowledge, national approaches and best practices on Plant Health Controls.

The training course is mainly addressed to:

  • Course 1 (IMP): Officials involved in import controls or in charge of planning/targeting import controls
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 12/06/2023 16/06/2023 Valencia Spain
2 25/09/2023 29/09/2023 Riga Latvia
3 20/11/2023 24/11/2023 Valencia Spain
4 11/03/2024 15/03/2024 Marseille France
5 20/05/2024 24/05/2024 Riga Latvia
The overall objective of the BTSF Training Programme on Plant...

The overall objective of the BTSF Training Programme on Plant health surveys is:

  • To provide a clear, comprehensive and harmonised understanding of the key elements for plant health surveillance in the EU: the new regulatory framework (new Plant Health Law and relevant implementing and delegated acts), available guidelines, recommendations and supporting tools from EFSA, relevant International Standards, new technologies for plant health surveillance and best practices for planning, executing, documenting and reporting of surveys.

To ensure that effective and efficient surveillance is carried out by all Member States in a harmonised way, the course aims at:

  • Building capacity at national level for the planning and implementation of plant healht surveys.
  • Improving knowledge on the new Plant Health Regime and Financial Framework, EFSA surveillance toolkit, relevant international standards, and new technologies.
  • Addresing practical real situations and examples through carefully composed case studies, site visits and practical activities.
  • Identifying gaps in knowledge ans skills that need to be filled. Receiving feedback on challenges at national level and future capacity building needs related to survey programmes to ensure effective and reliable surveys.
  • Providing opportunities for partnership to be built with a view to strengthening plant health systems.

The training course is mainly addressed to:

  • Senior officers from the EU Member States competent authorities, and experienced representatives from NPPOs, involved in official control activities with regards to plant health surveys in order to keep them up to date with all aspects of the EU law on Plant Health Surveys and ensure the exchange of best practices between the participants
  • Experienced staff responsible for planning, conduct, analysis, and reporting of surveys, from EU Member States, Candidate, potential Candidates and EEA/EFTA countries.
  • Participants that have the capacity to work and make interventions in the English language.
Phase II
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 30/01/2024 02/02/2024 Naples Italy
2 27/02/2024 01/03/2024 Munich Germany
3 09/04/2024 12/04/2024 Athens Greece
4 04/06/2024
Riga Latvia
5 01/10/2024
Santiago de Compostela Spain
6 05/11/2024 08/11/2024 Turin Italy
7 10/12/2024 13/12/2024 Naples Italy
8 04/02/2025 07/02/2025 Athens Greece
9 25/03/2025 28/03/2025 Munich Germany
10 06/05/2025 09/05/2025 Santiago de Compostela Spain

Phase I
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 20/09/2021 24/09/2021 Online Online
2 18/10/2021 22/10/2021 Online Online
3 06/12/2021 10/12/2021 Online Online
4 17/01/2022 21/01/2022 Online Online
5 14/02/2022 18/02/2022 Online Online
6 14/03/2022 18/03/2022 Online Online
7 04/04/2022 08/04/2022 Online Online
8 03/05/2022 06/05/2022 Alicante Spain
8 03/05/2022 06/05/2022 Alicante Spain
9 13/06/2022 16/06/2022 Milan Italy
10 20/09/2022 23/09/2022 Riga Latvia
11 03/10/2022 06/10/2022 Nice France
12 08/11/2022 11/11/2022 Milan Italy
13 13/12/2022 16/12/2022 Munich Germany
14 13/02/2023 16/02/2023 Vigo Spain
15 13/03/2023 16/03/2023 Alicante Spain
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course ...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on EU internal plant movement regime are:

  • Provide knowledge for a common and understanding of new EU plant health regime
  • Increase the level of expertise with regard to the rules introduced by the new PHR
  • Improve the level of consistency of their implementation across the EU
  • Foster a correct, harmonised, and unambiguous understanding across MS
  • Favour exchange of information and experience amongst MS
  • Disseminate best practices for official controls in the plant health area
  • Facilitate the transition to the new PHR

The course addresses the following topics:

  • International and EU Legal framework
  • New Plant Health Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 (PHR)
  • Official Controls Regulation (EU) 2017/625 (OCR)
  • EU Internal Plant Movement Regulation Overview
  • Introduction Professional Operators
  • Registration of Professional Operators
  • Authorization of Professional Operators and issue of Plant Passports
  • Obligations and Control of authorised Professional Operators
  • Pest risk management plans
  • Introduction Plant Passports
  • Regulated plant material
  • Use, Content and Format of the Plant Passport
  • Internal control and inspection
  • Interception and outbreaks linked with plant passporting

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Representatives from relevant competent authorities involved in policy making, planning and control activities (preferably at central or regional level)
  • Field inspectors involved in official control activities
  • Official staff and inspectors involved in import controls or in charge of planning/targeting import controls
  • Advisable: “hands-on” experience
  • Proficiency in English language
  • Compromised to disseminate the learnings gained and to inform via a survey on which are the dissemination activities implemented
Phase I
Session Start date End date City Country
1 18/10/2021 22/10/2021 Virtual course -
2 13/12/2021 17/12/2021 Virtual course -
3 21/03/2022 25/03/2022 Virtual course -
4 Cancelled - - -
5 14/11/2022 17/11/2022 Amsterdam The Netherlands
6 Cancelled - - -
7 24/04/2023 27/04/2023 Warsaw Poland
8 22/05/2023 22/05/2023 Riga Latvia
9 19/06/2023 22/06/2023 Madrid Spain
10 19/09/2023 22/09/2023 Madrid Spain

Phase II
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 15/10/2024 18/10/2024 La Valetta Malta
2 12/11/2024 15/11/2024 Leiden The Netherlands
3 28/01/2025 31/01/2025 Dublin Ireland
4 25/03/2025 28/03/2025 La Valetta Malta
5 17/06/2025 20/06/2025 Budapest Hungary
6 23/09/2025 26/09/2025 Bucharest Romania
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course ...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on  EU plant health regime are:

  • Provide knowledge for a common and understanding of EU plant health regime
  • Increase the level of expertise with regard to the rules introduced by the PHR
  • Improve the level of consistency of their implementation across the EU
  • Foster a correct, harmonised, and unambiguous understanding across MS
  • Favour exchange of information and experience amongst MS
  • Disseminate best practices for official controls in the plant health area
  • Update requirements and state of the art on PHR

The course addresses the following topics:

  • International and EU legal framework
  • Introduction to the Plant Health Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 (PHR)
  • Updates on PHR - Introduction better protection and proactive action
  • Official Controls Regulation (EU) 2017/625 (OCR)
  • OCR Implementing and Delegated Acts
  • Pest concepts and categorization
  • Import control regime
  • Practical elements for Import control
  • Wood packaging material (WPM)
  • Surveillance
  • Outbreaks of pests management
  • Overview relevant pests for agriculture and horticulture
  • Overview relevant pests for forestry, natural environments
  • Internal movement regime
  • Internal controls practical
  • Measures and certification for export
  • Information campaigns. Stakeholders and citizens
  • Notification and information of findings

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Representatives from relevant competent authorities involved in policy making, planning and control activities (preferably at central or regional level)
  • Field inspectors involved in official control activities
  • Official staff and inspectors involved in import controls or in charge of planning/targeting import controls
  • Advisable: “hands-on” experience
  • Proficiency in English language
  • Compromised to disseminate the learnings gained and to inform via a survey on which are the dissemination activities implemented
Calendar and locations
Session Start date End date City Country
1 01/10/2021 08/10/2021 Virtual course -
2 08/11/2021 12/11/2021 Virtual course -
3 25/02/2022 04/03/2022 Virtual course -
4 16/05/2022 20/05/2022 Alicante Spain
5 Cancelled - - -
6 19/09/2022 23/09/2022 Tallinn Estonia
7 17/10/2022 21/10/2022 Torino Italy
8 12/12/2022 16/12/2022 Barcelona Spain
9 27/03/2023 31/03/2023 Nice France

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 24/06/2024 28/06/2024 Ljubljana Slovenia
2 23/09/2024 27/09/2024 Riga Latvia
3 21/10/2024 25/10/2024 Emilia Romana Italy
4 09/12/2024 13/12/2024 Málaga Spain
5 17/02/2025 21/02/2025 Alicante Spain
6 05/05/2025 09/05/2025 Tallin Estonia
7 26/05/2025 30/05/2025 Campana Italy
8 29/09/2025 03/10/2025 Riga Latvia
The Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE)...

The Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) carries out audits of the controls implemented by competent authorities on a broad number of topics. These include the implementation of EU legislation relating to import controls and EU legislation in relation to Pesticides and Plant Health.

To increase or supplement the expertise of the audit teams, they in most cases, include a Member State expert in the topic at hand. Having Member State representatives ("national experts") included, also serves the purpose of increasing the knowledge and confidence amongst Member States of and in each other's control systems, the controls of the products imported into the EU and the auditing work of the Commission.

Finally, it is also hoped that it will further the sharing of good practices across Member States. The event aims to provide training to National Experts in the above fields.