BTSF Training course on the application of the "ECHA-EFSA guidance to identify endocrine disruptors"

In the European Union, scientific criteria for identification of endocrine disruptors are applicable since 7 June 2018 for biocidal products (Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2100) and since 10 November 2018 for plant protection products (Regulation (EU) 2018/605). A Guidance document providing advice on the implementation of the criteria to identify endocrine disruptors was published in June 2018 by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
Assessing the endocrine disrupting properties of a substance is scientifically complex and the European Union is pioneering with the identification of endocrine disruptors for regulatory purposes. The training will focus on the implementation of the new criteria to identify endocrine disruptors by applying the Guidance. The training will be provided by EFSA and ECHA staff and aims to acquaint assessors from Member States competent authorities with the assessment strategy of the Guidance and how to practically apply it in line with the criteria.
Furthermore, the training is intended to contribute to a harmonized implementation of the criteria and the Guidance amongst the Member States and across the biocidal products and plant protection products sectors.