Opći su ciljevi programa BTSF za osposobljavanje u području antimikrobne otpornosti sljedeći:
- širenje informacija, osposobljavanje za najbolje prakse i nadogradnja nacionalnih sustava u vezi s nadzorom i praćenjem antimikrobne otpornosti.
- Cilj je osposobljavanja i pružiti osposobljavanje o metodama sprečavanja i kontrole antimikrobne otpornosti u veterinarskom sektoru i sektoru javnog zdravstva s holističkim pristupom sprečavanju infekcija i smanjenju bakterijske otpornosti.
Svrha osposobljavanja bit će širenje znanja među sudionicima o provedbi pristupa „Jedno zdravlje” u pogledu upotrebe antimikrobnih sredstava i otpornosti na njih te pružanje najboljih praksi za osmišljavanje i provedbu nacionalnih akcijskih planova za borbu protiv antimikrobne otpornosti i upravljanje njima. Planovi će se morati provoditi pod odgovornošću nadležnog tijela država članica. Svaka država članica stoga ima važnu ulogu u osiguravanju postizanja tih ciljeva. Ključni element osposobljavanja bit će ne samo osvješćivanje sudionika o najboljim praksama u veterinarskom/prehrambenom i ljudskom sektoru, već i naglašavanje koliko je važno da se u cijeloj Uniji usvoji zajednički pristup.
Imajući to na umu, osposobljavanjem će se nastojati postići sljedeći ciljevi:
- Širiti znanje o provedbi pristupa „jedno zdravlje” u pogledu upotrebe i otpornosti antimikrobika.
- Pružiti najbolje prakse u pogledu izrade i provedbe nacionalnih akcijskih planova za borbu protiv antimikrobne otpornosti te upravljanja njima.
- Promicati upotrebu zajedničkih pokazatelja, sustava praćenja i nadzora antimikrobnih sredstava i antimikrobne otpornosti u humanom i veterinarskom sektoru.
- Osigurati da polaznici dobro razumiju načine suradnje i koordinacije među različitim nacionalnim tijelima i agencijama EU-a uključenima u praćenje i nadzor upotrebe antimikrobnih sredstava i njihove otpornosti.
Program osposobljavanja uglavnom je namijenjen:
- Službenici iz nacionalnih nadležnih tijela uključeni, po mogućnosti na središnjoj razini, u aktivnosti praćenja, nadzora, izvješćivanja i kontrole pravilne uporabe antimikrobnih sredstava i otpornosti na njih u javnom zdravstvu i veterinarskom/prehrambenom sektoru.
- Viši službenici nadležnih tijela za javno zdravstvo.
- Viši službenici iz primarne proizvodnje životinja namijenjenih tijelima nadležnima za hranu.
- Viši službenici nadležnih tijela za sigurnost hrane.
- Viši službenici iz bilo kojeg prethodnog nadležnog tijela uključenog u rješavanje pitanja povezanih s AMR-om u okolišu.
Moraju učiniti sljedeće:
- Biti u mogućnosti komunicirati na engleskom jeziku.
- Pristati na aktivno širenje sadržaja tečaja osposobljavanja.
VAŽNA NAPOMENA: Kako bi se osigurao multidisciplinarni pristup u osposobljavanju, nacionalne kontaktne točke morat će poslati dva sudionika po pozvanom sastanku, jednog iz sektora javnog zdravstva i jednog iz veterinarskog/prehrambenog sektora. U svim će slučajevima biti uključeni u kontrolu i nadzor primjene antimikrobnih sredstava ili njihove rezistencije.
Sjednica | Datum početka | Datum završetka | Grad | Zemlja |
1 | 25. studenoga 2019. | 28. studenoga 2019. | Malagi | Španjolska |
2 | siječnja 2020. | 16. siječnja 2020. | Atena | Grčka |
3 | 3. veljače 2020. | lipnja 2020. | Zagreb | Hrvatska |
4 | 24. svibnja 2021. | 28. svibnja 2021. | Nije primjenjivo | Nije primjenjivo |
5 | 14. lipnja 2021. | 18. lipnja 2021. | Nije primjenjivo | Nije primjenjivo |
6 | 5. srpnja 2021. | 9. srpnja 2021. | Nije primjenjivo | Nije primjenjivo |
7 | 13. rujna 2021. | 17. rujna 2021. | Nije primjenjivo | Nije primjenjivo |
8 | travnja 2021. | 8. listopada 2021. | Nije primjenjivo | Nije primjenjivo |
9 | 25. listopada 2021. | 29. listopada 2021. | Nije primjenjivo | Nije primjenjivo |
10 | 29. studenoga 2021. | prosinca 2021. | Nije primjenjivo | Nije primjenjivo |
11 | 17. siječnja 2022. | 21. siječnja 2022. | VC | VC |
12 | 7. veljače 2022. | 11. veljače 2022. | VC | VC |
13 | 21. ožujka 2022. | 25. ožujka 2022. | VC | VC |
14 | travnja 2022. | travnja 2022. | VC | VC |
15 | 23. svibnja 2022. | 26. svibnja 2022. | Madrid | Španjolska |
16 | 20. lipnja 2022. | 23. lipnja 2022. | Madrid | Španjolska |
17 | 17. listopada 2022. | 20.10.2022. | Alicante (još nije potvrđeno) | Španjolska |
18 | studenog 2022. | 17. studenoga 2022. | Budimpešta (još nije potvrđeno) | Mađarska |
The main objectives of this training programme on Antimicrobial resistance for non-EU countries are:
- To work towards reinforcing engagement and collaboration with international organisations, and intensifying cooperation with countries outside of the European Union on antimicrobial resistance.
- To provide support on strategies and actions at promoting and strenghtening the prudent use of antimicrobials and monitoring resistance, in veterinary, food safety, public health, and environmental health sectors.
- To spread the knowledge among the participants of how the EU implements the 'One Health' approach when promoting a prudent and responsible use of antimicrobials and fighting against AMR.
- To share best practices on the design, implementation and management of National Action Plans against AMR, as well as exchanging with, and learning from, the participants attending the training.
Antimicrobial resistance is the ability of microorganisms to neutralize the effect of drugs produced to defeat them. It is a natural biological phenomenon but lately a variety of factors have contributed to accelerate these defences mechanisms, such as: inappropriate or abuse of therapeutic antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine; poor hygiene and infection prevention measures in healthcare settings and at farm level; or lack of new effective antimicrobial alternatives.
The ineffectiveness of drugs is causing direct severe effects such as longer illness, increased mortality, prolonged stays in hospitals, and lack of drug protection in operations and medical procedures, and increased costs. Combating antimicrobial resistance has become a global public health challenge.
The essence of the One Health approach to tackling AMR is in the understanding that in order to combat AMR appropriately and effectively, concerted collaborative efforts are necessary across the human health, veterinary medicine and environment sectors. It must involve partnerships between those working at the interface of multiple related disciplines, putting together action from veterinarians, physicians, epidemiologists, researchers in public health and ecology, in which reaching a consensus depends on political commitment.
The development of enhanced surveillance systems and prudent use of antimicrobials in human and veterinary medicine are two of the key areas for action of the EU policy against AMR.
At international level, the Union particularly wants to focus on implementation of commitments made on AMR in international fora, including the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR as well as in the WOAH and FAO resolutions. Sustaining political momentum, focusing on next steps and increasing international awareness and cooperation are important components to follow-up.
As one of the largest markets for agricultural products, the EU can play a major role by promoting its standards and measures for addressing AMR with its trade partners. The proposed training will therefore aim at strengthening the EU as 'stronger global actor', and at building on existing relationships and facilitating policy dialogue with the involved countries.
The course addresses the following topics:
- Occurrence factors of AMR in zoonotic and other bacteria with public health importance and general concepts related to AMR. The One Health approach, and impacts of AMR in the world.
- European Commission Action Plan against the rising threats from AMR with focus on its “One Health” approach.
- Overview of the EU legal framework applicable to AMR and the use of antimicrobials.
- Relevant international initiatives and standards in the field of AMR.
- Practical application of EU provisions on monitoring of AMR in zoonotic and other bacterial with public health importance. Discussion of AMR surveillance in the region.
- Commission guidance documents on prudent use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine and in human health.
- Examples of good practices for strategies and actions aimed at promoting and strengthening the prudent use of antimicrobials, including examples of successful private standards or AMR-related policies.
- Discussion of issues related to the emergence, drivers, and perpetuation of AMR in the environment, providing regulatory insight from the EU. The source, pathway, and receptor risk assessment methodology will be discussed regarding AMR in the environment.
The training course is mainly addressed to:
- Decision and policy makers, senior officers from the public health competent authorities.
- Decision and policy makers, senior officers working on veterinary medicinal products at the competent authority.
- Decision and policy makers, senior officers from the primary production of animals intended to be food competent authorities.
- Decision and policy makers, senior officers from the food safety competent authorities.
- Decision and policy makers, senior officers in the area of environmental health and environmental risk assessment.
- Senior officers working in national and/or regional networks related to antimicrobial resistance.
- In the absence of the above, participants could be accepted if they work at public associations or foundations working in the field of combating antimicrobial resistance.
Session | Start Date | End Date | City | Country |
10 | 28/03/2022 | 01/04/2022 | VC (Senegal) | VC (Senegal) |
11 | 09/05/2022 | 13/05/2022 |
VC (Brazil) | VC (Brazil) |
12 | 13/06/2022 | 17/06/2022 |
VC (China) | VC (China) |
13 | 04/07/2022 | 08/07/2022 |
VC (Oceania) | VC (Oceania) |
S01 - Phase II | 31/01/2023 | 03/02/2023 | Cape Town | South Africa |
S02 - Phase II | 14/03/2023 | 17/03/2023 | San Jose | Costa Rica |
S03 - Phase II | 09/05/2023 | 12/05/2023 | Bangkok | Thailand |
S04 - Phase II | 03/10/2023 | 06/10/2023 | Belgrade | Serbia |
S05 - Phase II | 27/11/2023 |
30/11/2023 | Santiago | Chile |
POSTPONED | 18/12/2023 | 21/12/2023 | Amman | Jordan |
S06 - Phase II | 06/02/2024 |
09/02/2024 | New Delhi | India |
S07 - Phase II | 19/03/2024 |
22/03/2024 | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia |
POSTPONED | 16/04/2024 |
19/04/2024 | Dakar | Senegal |
S08 - Phase II | 06/05/2024 | 09/05/2024 | Beijing | China |
S09 - Phase II | 13/05/2024 | 16/05/2024 | Amman | Jordan |
S10 - Phase II | 14/05/2024 | 17/05/2024 | Dakar | Senegal |
S11 - Phase II | 04/06/2024 | 07/06/2024 | Istanbul | Turkey |