The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course ...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Course 2: Control of GIs in the spirit drinks sector are:

  • Goal 1: full grasp of the legal framework
  • Goal 2: perfect command of the organisational aspects of controls
  • Goal 3: in-depth knowledge of the preliminary steps of the control activity
  • Goal 4: in-depth knowledge of official controls in the whole chain
  • Goal 5: full awareness of the importance of correct reporting and communication activities
  • Goal 6: complete integration of all the information provided in the course

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Topic 1: GIs for spirit drinks in the context of EU quality policy and regulatory framework overview
  • Topic 2: Control systems related to GIs for spirit drinks
  • Topic 3: Planning and organisation of official control activity on GIs for spirit drinks
  • Topic 4: Official controls on GIs for spirit drinks
  • Topic 5: Communication and reporting related to official controls on GIs for spirit drinks
  • Topic 6: Integration activities

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Staff of competent authorities involved in planning and coordinating control activities of spirit drinks sector (preferably at central level) and field inspectors involved in the delivery of such controls
  • Staff of delegated control bodies to which specific tasks related to GI control activities in the spirit drinks sector have been delegated
  • Staff of national accreditation bodies and customs authorities involved in the spirit drinks GI sector

Applicants must have a good working level of English.

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 11/10/2021 15/10/2021
2 21/02/2022 25/02/2022 - Online
3 20/06/2022 24/06/2022 - Online
4 25/10/2022 28/10/2022 Warsaw Poland
5 14/03/2023 17/03/2023 Warsaw Poland
Phase II - 1 05/11/2024 08/11/2024 Warsaw Poland
Phase II - 2 25/02/2025 28/02/2025 Athens Greece
Phase II - 3 11/11/2025 14/11/2025 Warsaw Poland

Opći su ciljevi programa osposobljavanja BTSF/tečaja o kontroli oznaka zemljopisnog podrijetla u sektoru vina (1. tečaj):

  • Cilj br. 1: potpuno razumijevanje pravnog okvira
  • Cilj br. 2: savršeno upravljanje organizacijskim aspektima kontrola
  • Cilj br. 3: temeljito poznavanje preliminarnih koraka kontrolne aktivnosti
  • Cilj br. 4: temeljito poznavanje službenih kontrola u cijelom lancu
  • Cilj br. 5: potpuna svijest o važnosti ispravnog izvješćivanja i komunikacijskih aktivnosti
  • Cilj br. 6: potpuna integracija svih informacija pruženih tijekom tečaja

Tečaj se bavi sljedećim temama:

  • Tema 1.: ZOI/ZOZP za vina u kontekstu politike kvalitete EU-a i pregleda regulatornog okvira
  • Tema 2.: Sustavi kontrole povezani sa ZOI-jem/ZOZP-om za vina
  • Tema 3.: Planiranje i organizacija aktivnosti kontrole vina sa ZOI-jem/ZOZP-om
  • Tema 4.: Službene kontrole vina sa ZOI-jem/ZOZP-om
  • Tema 5.: Komunikacija i izvješćivanje u vezi sa službenim kontrolama vina sa ZOI-jem/ZOZP-om
  • Tema 6.: Integracijske aktivnosti

Ovaj program osposobljavanja osmišljen je za profile i radna mjesta opisane u nastavku. Prije podnošenja ili potvrđivanja prijava provjerite jesu li ispunjeni kriteriji za odabir.

  • Osoblje nadležnih tijela uključeno u planiranje i koordinaciju kontrolnih aktivnosti u sektoru vina (po mogućnosti na središnjoj razini) i terenski inspektori uključeni u provedbu takvih kontrola
  • Osoblje delegiranih kontrolnih tijela kojima su delegirane posebne zadaće povezane s aktivnostima kontrole OZP-a u okviru sustava kvalitete u sektoru vina
  • Osoblje nacionalnih akreditacijskih tijela i carinskih tijela uključenih u sektor vina s oznakom zemljopisnog podrijetla

Kandidati moraju imati dobru radnu razinu engleskog jezika.

Sjednica Datum početka Datum završetka Grad Zemlja
1 15/11/2021 19/11/2021 Online
2 28/02/2022 04/03/2022 - OTKAZAN
3 06/06/2022 10/06/2022 - Online
4 13/12/2022 16/12/2022 Torinu Italija
5 09/05/2023 12/05/2023 Beč Austrija
6 17/10/2023 20/10/2023 Torinu Italija
Faza II. – 1. 28/01/2025 31/01/2025 Bologna Italija
Faza II. – 2. 17/06/2025 20/06/2025 Beč Austrija
Faza II. – 3. 27/01/2026 30/01/2026 Bologna Italija
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course ...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Control of PDO/PGI/TSG in the field of agricultural products and foodstuffs are:

  • Goal 1: full grasp of the legal framework.
  • Goal 2: perfect command of the organisational aspects of controls.
  • Goal 3: in-depth knowledge of the preliminary steps of the control activity.
  • Goal 4: in-depth knowledge of official controls in the whole chain.
  • Goal 5: full awareness of the importance of correct reporting and communication activities.
  • Goal 6: complete integration of all the information provided in the course.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Topic 1: PDO/PGI/TSG for agricultural products and foodstuffs in the context of EU quality policy and regulatory framework overview
  • Topic 2: Control systems related to PDO/PGI/TSG for agricultural products and foodstuff
  • Topic 3: Planning and organisation of control activity on PDO/PGI/TSG products
  • Topic 4: Official controls on PDO/PGI/TSG agricultural products and foodstuffs
  • Topic 5: Communication and reporting related to official controls on PDO/PGI/TSG agricultural products and foodstuffs
  • Topic 6: Integration activities

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Staff of competent authorities involved in planning and coordinating GI/TSG control activities of the agri-food sector (preferably at central level) and field inspectors involved in the delivery of such controls
  • Staff of delegated control bodies to which specific tasks related to GI control activities of the quality schemes in the agri-food sector have been delegated
  • Staff of national accreditation bodies and customs authorities involved in the agri-food GI sector

Applicants must have a good working level of English.

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 29/11/2021 03/12/2021 Online Online
2 21/03/2022 25/03/2022 Online Online
3 16/05/2022 20/05/2022 Online Online
4 29/11/2022 02/12/2022 Lisbon Portugal
5 19/09/2023 22/09/2023 Lisbon Portugal
Phase II - 1 25/03/2025
Lisbon Portugal
Phase II - 2 16/09/2025 19/09/2025
Lisbon Portugal
Phase II - 3 09/12/2025 12/12/2025 Madrid Spain
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course ...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Course 4: Cross-sectoral training on market controls agri-food, wine, spirit drinks are:

  • Goal 1: full grasp of the legal framework.
  • Goal 2: perfect command of the organisational aspects of controls.
  • Goal 3: in-depth knowledge of the preliminary steps of the control activity.
  • Goal 4: in-depth knowledge of official controls in the whole chain.
  • Goal 5: full awareness of the importance of correct reporting and communication activities.
  • Goal 6: complete integration of all the information provided in the course.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Topic 1: Legal framework and protection of GIs/TSGs for the sectors of wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products and foodstuffs
  • Topic 2: Specificities of control activities in the sectors of wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products and foodstuffs with GIs/TSGs
  • Topic 3: Market controls in physical marketplaces
  • Topic 4: Market controls in the e-commerce

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Staff of competent authorities involved in planning and coordinating market control activities of agri-food, wine or spirit drinks sectors (preferably at central level) and field inspectors involved in the delivery of such controls
  • Staff of delegated control bodies to which specific tasks related to market control activities of the quality schemes in the agri-food, wine or spirit drinks sectors have been delegated
  • Staff of national accreditation bodies and customs authorities involved in the agri-food, wine or spirit drinks sectors.

Applicants must have a good working level of English.

Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 24/01/2022 28/01/2022 Online
2 04/07/2022 08/07/2022 - Online
3 17/01/2023 20/01/2023 Athens Greece
4 27/06/2023 30/06/2023 Marseille France
5 21/11/2023 24/11/2023 Athens Greece
Phase II - 1 10/12/2024
13/12/2024 Athens Greece
Phase II - 2 13/05/2025
Vienna Austria
Phase II - 3 14/10/2025 17/10/2025 Madrid Spain