Animal Nutrition - eLearning module
This eLearning course is aimed at allowing participants to improve their knowledge and skills in:
- Definitions used in feed: feedingstuffs, compound feed, complete feed, complementary feed, mineral feed and other definitions in Regulation 767/2009, feed additives, premixtures, processing aids (Regulation 1831/2003).
- General principles of feed marketing: objectives.
- Labelling and advertising of feed materials and compound feed (Regulation 767/2009): principles, responsibility of labelling.
- Catalogue of feed materials, restricted materials, packaging of feed.
- Feed additives: functions, conditions of authorisation, assessment (Regulation 1831/2003).
- Distinction between feed materials, compound feed, complementary feed, premixtures, feed additives and veterinary medicinal products.
- Feed for particular nutritional purposes (Regulation 767/2009).
- Claims (Regulation 767/2009).
- Medicated feed (Directive 90/167).
- Undesirable substances in feed (Directive 2002/32):
- - Definition of undesirable substances.
- Objectives of Directive 2002/32.
- General principles of Directive 2002/32 (Monitoring, mitigation measures).
- Maximum levels and action thresholds.
- Regulated substances and products: Mycotoxins, Dioxins/PCBs, Toxins of plant origin, etc.
- Carry over of coccidiostats to non-target feed.
365 days access
- Average dedication: 8 hours
- 4 Units
- Self-Paced
- Multimedia
Available in:
- English
- Other languages
How to Register
- If you are an government official, you can apply using the BTSF ACADEMY Training Management System.
- If you are a staff member working in EU Institutions contact to request registration.
- For any other enquiries please send a message to and the BTSF ACADEMY Team will be glad to assist you.
The overall objective of the BTSF Training Programme on EU feed hygiene rules and HACCP auditing is to:
- Spread knowledge and best practice in order to increase the level of expertise regarding feed safety issues at all stages of production, processing and distribution of feeding stuff, including the on-site inspection of feed business operators.
The training is delivered in two different training courses:
- Course 1 - EU Legislation on Feed
- Course 2 - EU Feed Hygiene Rules and HACCP Auditing
The additional objective for the proposed course is to provide knowledge and technical expertise in the field of EU Legislation on Feed to control officials working in the feed sector in the EU Member States and selected non-EU countries, through coverage of the following topics:
- Topic 1: General overview
- Topic 2: Feed hygiene
- Topic 3: Feed ingredients & contamination
- Topic 4: Application in the feed industry - field visits
- Topic 5: Feed labelling
- Topic 6: Feed with specific purposes and borderline products
- Topic 7: Imports and official controls
This training programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the criteria before applying.
- Candidates must be staff of competent authorities performing official control activities in the feed sector and having field inspection as part of their regular duties.
- At least 1 year of experience as Competent Authority staff involved in feed control.
- Participants must commit themselves to disseminate the knowledge received during the seminar among stakeholders in their home institutions/countries.
- As the seminar will be conducted in English, each nominated candidate must have a good (not basic) working level of English.
Session | Start Date | End Date | City | Country |
TS18 | 06/12/2022 | 08/12/2022 | Warsaw | Poland |
TS19 | 31/01/2023 | 02/02/2023 | Porto | Portugal |
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on EU LEGISLATION ON FEED are:
- Objective 1: To spread knowledge and best practice in order to increase the level of expertise regarding feed safety issues at all stages of production, processing and distribution of feeding stuff, including the on-site inspection of feed business operators.
- Objective 2: To provide knowledge and technical expertise in the field of Animal Nutrition (EU Legislation on Feed) to control officials working in the feed sector in the EU Member States and selected non-EU countries.
The course addresses the following topics:
- Topic 1: General overview
- Topic 2: Feed hygiene
- Topic 3: Feed ingredients & contamination
- Topic 4: Application in the feed industry: Field Visits
- Topic 5: Feed labelling
- Topic 6: Feed with specific purposes and borderline products
- Topic 7: Imports and official controls
This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.
- Candidates must be staff of competent authorities performing official control activities in the feed sector.
- Participants must commit themselves to disseminate the knowledge received during the seminar among stakeholders in their home institutions/countries.
- As the seminar will be conducted in English, each nominated candidate must have a good (not basic) working level of English.
Session | Start Date | End Date | City | Country |
VC11 | 14/02/2022 | 18/02/2022 | Online | Online |
VC13 | 28/03/2022 | 01/04/2022 | Online | Online |
VC15 | 20/06/2022 | 24/06/2022 | Online | Online |
TS17 | 07/11/2022 | 11/11/2022 | Valencia | Spain |
BTSF training for National Experts on Feed Hygiene and animal by-products.
Article 116(4) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 provides for participation of experts from the Member States (national experts) in Commission controls in Member States and in non-EU countries. National experts accompanying Commission experts are given the same rights of access as the Commission experts.
To ensure a harmonised approach by national experts while assisting Commission experts, the Commission intends to arrange a remote training event on official controls in the area of New Legislation on Animal Health.
The goals of the training are that participants will:
- Understand their role in a Commission-led audit team in gathering evidence, concluding on its significance and formulating recommendations.
- Use the experience gained from this course to identify weaknesses and recurring problems in their own Member State and reflect on possible solutions at both Member State and EU level.