Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed - eLearning module ...

Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed - eLearning module

This eLearning course is aimed at allowing participants to improve their knowledge and skills in:

  • EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (recent developments and aspects of Food Law, food hygiene, food control rules and other relevant legislation).
  • Requirements for setting up a RASFF network inside a country, including required level of food and feed controls.
  • Organisational structure of competent authorities.
  • Legal basis and communication needs.
  • Requirements for setting up a regional network of countries exchanging rapid alerts about Food and Feed, including the possibility for exchange of information, required legal basis for the system, transparency and confidentiality requirements and notification follow-up.


365 days access
  • Average dedication: 8 hours
  • 6 Units
  • Self-Paced
  • Multimedia
Available in:

How to Register

The objective of the training is to continue cooperation acti...

The objective of the training is to continue cooperation activities on information management systems at international level with a view to further raise awareness and contribute to a better understanding and more efficient use of existing EU SPS information management systems by the competent authorities and other stakeholders in non-EU countries.

It will also aim to facilitate their integration as active users in these systems and in the specific case of the TRACES system, support them in adapting it, in accordance with the principles used at EU level by this system, for the exchange of information both inside the country and between countries located in the same geographical region.

  • Officers of the National Competent Authority.
  • Government Ministries and Inspection services.
  • Be involved in the certification process for goods exported to the EU.
  • Be involved in the certification process for goods traded at regional level between non-EU countries.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 22/11/2021 26/11/2021 online Ukraine
2 28/02/2022 04/03/2022 Online CDMX, Mexico
3 12/07/2022 15/07/2022 Online Cote d'Ivoire
4 11/07/2022 15/07/2022 Santiago Chile
5 19/09/2022 23/09/2022 Cairo Egypt
6 08/11/2022 10/11/2022 Jakarta Indonesia
7 16/01/2023 19/01/2023 Mumbai India
8 24/07/2023 27/07/2023 Dar es Salaam Tanzania
9 19/09/2023 22/09/2023 Cape Town South Africa
10 16/09/2023 16/09/2023 Tashkent Uzbekistan
11 13/11/2023 16/11/2023 Bangkok Thailand
12 29/01/2024 01/02/2024 Bogota Colombia
The objective of the BTSF training activities on TRACES in Me...

The objective of the BTSF training activities on TRACES in Member States is to digitise the entire certification process and linked procedures, and is in line with the declaration of the Digital Agenda for Europe. The objective of the training courses is to train experts, to expand their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and to reach a common understanding of the EU legislation. They aim at contributing to the better respect of the EU Food and Feed law in EU Member States and non-EU Countries exporting to the EU, and at increasing the awareness in neighbouring non-EU Countries on the EU approach on food and feed hygiene, animal health, animal welfare, plant health and official controls.

The project is articulated in 5 courses for a total of 16 three-day training sessions on the “Use of the EU Trade Control And Expert System (TRACES)”:

  • Course 1. TRACES use at import of live animals and products of animal origin: 4 three-day training sessions.
  • Course 2. TRACES use at import of products of plant origin: 3 three-day training sessions.
  • Course 3. TRACES use at import of live plants: 3 three-day training sessions.
  • Course 4. TRACES use at import of organic products: 3 three-day training sessions.
  • Course 5. TRACES use in intra-EU trade of live animals: 3 three-day training sessions.

The specific objectives of the course are:

  • To train staff involved in official control activities so as to keep them up-to-date with the use of the EU Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES).
  • Thereby, the programme will aim at ensuring a harmonised use of TRACES, taking into account the latest updates available. As TRACES is an IT tool in continuous development, the programme will also be flexible and able to adapt its contents to the new upcoming possibilities of the system. Both the private and the public sector will benefit from a more harmonised use of TRACES and a deeper knowledge on the system by staff responsible for the official controls: better cooperation with customs, statistical data available, reduction of administrative work, faster clearance of the consignment at the border, etc.

The profiles of the applicants should respect the following criteria:

  • Be officers of the National Competent Authority, relevant Government Ministries or Inspection services involved (or that may be potentially involved) in the use of the TRACES application at:
    • Course 1: BIP level.
    • Course 2: DPE level.
    • Course 3: Inspection Post.
    • Course 4: BIP and DPE level.
    • Course 5: LVU level.
  • Be involved in the drafting or adaptation of policies and Regulations in line with Regulation (EC) 882/2004, and related to the use of TRACES.
  • Be familiar with the principles of the organic farming scheme (for course 4).
  • Be compromised to disseminate the learning’s of the training once they finalize the training session.
  • Be proficient in the language of the training (English/French according to the session).
Session Start Date End Date Organiser Location
1E 04/04/2022 08/04/2022 Online Virtual 
5C 02/05/2022 07/05/2022 Online Virtual 
5A 20/06/2022 24/06/2022 F2F Athens, Greece
1F 15/11/2022 18/11/2022 F2F Athens, Greece
5D 14/02/2023 17/02/2023 F2F Ljubljana, Slovenia
4C 07/03/2023 10/03/2023 F2F Lisbon, Portugal

De övergripande målen för BTSF:s utbildningsprogram/kurs om användning av Imsoc-komponenter för att uppnå nästa nivå av samarbete mellan behöriga myndigheter är följande:

  • För att skapa en samsyn om det aktuella läget när det gäller lämpliga verktyg och strategier för att hantera ny utveckling planeras för iRASFF- och Traces-tillämpningar.
  • Att fokusera på integration mellan dessa applikationer för att stärka nätverket
  • Att visa hur dessa plattformar kan användas för att öka den offentliga kontrollens effektivitet, effektiv kommunikation och informationsutbyte.
  • Att ge praktikanter möjlighet att jämföra viktiga delar av beredskapsplaner och andra beredskapselement som utarbetats av deras respektive medlemsstater för att identifiera och utbyta bästa praxis (t.ex. befintliga varningssystem och kommunikationsverktyg).
  • Att möjliggöra utbyte av erfarenheter och sprida bästa praxis.

Kursen behandlar följande ämnen:

  • Översikt över regelverket Imsoc (med hänvisningar till import, kontrollintyg, Intra, AHL, OCR) och användning av Imsoc (Traces, Rasff och Europhyt) vid gränskontrollstationerna (med hänvisning till CHEDA, CHEDP, COI, CHEDD, CHEDPP).
  • Intensifierad offentlig kontroll (IOC), Traces och iRASFF
  • Ny rättslig ram för information om ursprungsland – hur detta tillämpas i Imsoc
  • Insamling av underrättelser (hur man använder data som hämtats från alla relevanta verktyg, t.ex. Traces NT och andra system för att identifiera möjliga risker)
  • Hantering av avvikelser

Detta utbildningsprogram har utformats för de profiler och befattningar som beskrivs nedan. Kontrollera att urvalskriterierna är uppfyllda innan du lämnar in eller validerar ansökningarna.

  • Behöriga myndighetstjänstemän som organiserar, genomför och verkställer lagstiftning om offentlig kontroll och behöriga myndigheter som utför offentlig kontroll av sändningar som förs in i unionen från länder utanför EU (centrala, gränsövergångsställen, regionala).
Sammanträde Startdatum Slutdatum Stad Land
1 18/10/2022 21/10/2022 Rom Italien
2 17/01/2023 20/01/2023 Aten Grekland
3 13.6.2023 15.6.2023 Alicante Spanien
4 21/11/2023 23/11/2023 Rom Italien