Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed - eLearning module ...

Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed - eLearning module

This eLearning course is aimed at allowing participants to improve their knowledge and skills in:

  • EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (recent developments and aspects of Food Law, food hygiene, food control rules and other relevant legislation).
  • Requirements for setting up a RASFF network inside a country, including required level of food and feed controls.
  • Organisational structure of competent authorities.
  • Legal basis and communication needs.
  • Requirements for setting up a regional network of countries exchanging rapid alerts about Food and Feed, including the possibility for exchange of information, required legal basis for the system, transparency and confidentiality requirements and notification follow-up.


365 days access
  • Average dedication: 8 hours
  • 6 Units
  • Self-Paced
  • Multimedia
Available in:

How to Register

The objective of the training is to continue cooperation acti...

The objective of the training is to continue cooperation activities on information management systems at international level with a view to further raise awareness and contribute to a better understanding and more efficient use of existing EU SPS information management systems by the competent authorities and other stakeholders in non-EU countries.

It will also aim to facilitate their integration as active users in these systems and in the specific case of the TRACES system, support them in adapting it, in accordance with the principles used at EU level by this system, for the exchange of information both inside the country and between countries located in the same geographical region.

  • Officers of the National Competent Authority.
  • Government Ministries and Inspection services.
  • Be involved in the certification process for goods exported to the EU.
  • Be involved in the certification process for goods traded at regional level between non-EU countries.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 22/11/2021 26/11/2021 online Ukraine
2 28/02/2022 04/03/2022 Online CDMX, Mexico
3 12/07/2022 15/07/2022 Online Cote d'Ivoire
4 11/07/2022 15/07/2022 Santiago Chile
5 19/09/2022 23/09/2022 Cairo Egypt
6 08/11/2022 10/11/2022 Jakarta Indonesia
7 16/01/2023 19/01/2023 Mumbai India
8 24/07/2023 27/07/2023 Dar es Salaam Tanzania
9 19/09/2023 22/09/2023 Cape Town South Africa
10 16/09/2023 16/09/2023 Tashkent Uzbekistan
11 13/11/2023 16/11/2023 Bangkok Thailand
12 29/01/2024 01/02/2024 Bogota Colombia

Programmi „Parem koolitus ohutuma toidu nimel“ TRACESit käsitleva koolituse eesmärk liikmesriikides on digiteerida kogu sertifitseerimisprotsess ja sellega seotud menetlused ning see on kooskõlas Euroopa digitaalarengu tegevuskava deklaratsiooniga. Koolituskursuste eesmärk on koolitada eksperte, laiendada nende teoreetilisi teadmisi ja praktilisi oskusi ning jõuda ühisele arusaamisele ELi õigusaktidest. Nende eesmärk on aidata kaasa ELi toidu- ja söödaalaste õigusnormide paremale järgimisele ELi liikmesriikides ja ELi eksportivates kolmandates riikides ning suurendada naabruses asuvates kolmandates riikides teadlikkust ELi lähenemisviisist toidu- ja söödahügieenile, loomatervisele, loomade heaolule, taimetervisele ja ametlikele kontrollidele.

Projekt koosneb viiest kursusest, mis hõlmavad kokku 16 kolmepäevast koolitust teemal „ELi kaubanduse kontrolli- ja ekspertsüsteemi (TRACES) kasutamine“:

  • Kursus 1. TRACESi kasutamine elusloomade ja loomsete saaduste importimisel: 4 kolmepäevast treeningut.
  • Kursus 2. TRACESi kasutamine taimsete saaduste importimisel: 3 kolmepäevast treeningut.
  • Kursus 3. TRACESi kasutamine elustaimede importimisel: 3 kolmepäevast treeningut.
  • Kursus 4. TRACESi kasutamine mahepõllumajanduslike toodete importimisel: 3 kolmepäevast treeningut.
  • Kursus 5. TRACESi kasutamine elusloomade ELi-siseses kaubanduses: 3 kolmepäevast treeningut.

Kursuse konkreetsed eesmärgid on:

  • Koolitada ametliku kontrolliga tegelevaid töötajaid, et nad oleksid kursis ELi kaubanduse kontrolli- ja ekspertsüsteemi (TRACES) kasutamisega.
  • Seega on programmi eesmärk tagada TRACESi ühtlustatud kasutamine, võttes arvesse uusimaid kättesaadavaid ajakohastusi. Kuna TRACES on pidevalt arenev IT-vahend, on programm ka paindlik ja võimeline kohandama selle sisu süsteemi uute tulevaste võimalustega. Nii era- kui ka avalik sektor saavad kasu TRACESi ühtlustatumast kasutamisest ja ametlike kontrollide eest vastutavate töötajate põhjalikumatest teadmistest süsteemi kohta: parem koostöö tolliga, kättesaadavad statistilised andmed, haldustöö vähenemine, saadetise kiirem tollivormistus piiril jne.

Taotlejate profiilid peaksid vastama järgmistele kriteeriumidele:

  • Olge TRACESi rakenduse kasutamisega seotud (või potentsiaalselt seotud) riikliku pädeva asutuse, asjaomaste ministeeriumide või kontrollitalituste ametnikud järgmisel aadressil:
    • kursus: Piiripunkti tasand.
    • kursus: Määratud sisenemiskoha tase.
    • kursus: Inspekteerimispunkt.
    • kursus: Piiripunkti ja määratud sisenemiskoha tasand.
    • kursus: LVU tase.
  • Osaleda poliitika ja määruste koostamises või kohandamises kooskõlas määrusega (EÜ) 882/2004 ning seoses süsteemi TRACES kasutamisega.
  • Tutvuge mahepõllumajanduse kava põhimõtetega (4. kursus).
  • olema ohustatud, et levitada koolituse käigus omandatud teadmisi, kui nad on koolituse lõpetanud.
  • valdama koolituse keelt (inglise/prantsuse keel vastavalt sessioonile).
Istungjärk Alguskuupäev Lõppkuupäev Korraldaja Asukoht
1E 04.04.2022 08/04/2022 Veebis Virtuaalne 
5C 02/05/2022 07/05/2022 Veebis Virtuaalne 
5A 20/06/2022 24.6.2022 F2F Ateena, Kreeka
1F 15/11/2022 18.11.2022 F2F Ateena, Kreeka
5D 14/02/2023 17.2.2023 F2F Ljubljana, Sloveenia
4C 07/03/2023 10.3.2023 F2F Lissabon, Portugal
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course ...

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Using IMSOC components to achieve the next level of collaboration between competent authorities are:

  • To provide for a common understanding of the current state of play of suitable tools and approaches to address new developments are planned for iRASFF and TRACES applications;
  • To focus on integration between these applications to reinforce the network
  • To show how these platforms can be used for increasing the efficiency of official controls, effective communication, and exchange of information;
  • To give the opportunity to trainees to compare key elements of contingency plans and other preparedness elements elaborated by their respective Member States in order to identify and share best practices (e.g existing alert systems and communication tools);
  • To allow the exchange of experience and disseminate best pracitces.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Overview regulatory framework IMSOC (with references to Imports, COI, INTRA, AHL, OCR) and Use of IMSOC(TRACES,RASFF and Europhyt) in the BCPs (with reference w to CHEDA, CHEDP, COI, CHEDD, CHEDPP).
  • Intensified Official Controls (IOC), TRACES and iRASFF
  • New legal framework about COI- How this is applied in IMSOC
  • Gathering intelligence (how to use the data retrieved from all relevant tools such as TRACES NT and other systems to identify possible risks
  • Management of non-conformities

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Competent authority officials organising, implementing and enforcing legislation on official controls and competent authorities carrying out the official controls on consignments entering into the union from non-EU countries (central, BCP, regional).
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 18/10/2022 21/10/2022 Rome Italy
2 17/01/2023 20/01/2023 Athens Greece
3 13/06/2023 15/06/2023 Alicante Spain
4 21/11/2023 23/11/2023 Rome Italy