This eLearning course should improve participants’ knowledge on:
- Relevant EU legislation (mainly focusing on Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009).
- Scientific basis for pre-slaughter handling, stunning, slaughter and culling of animals (basic animal behaviour, physiology and anatomy).
- Animal keeping and assessment of keeping facilities.
- Main stunning and killing techniques at slaughterhouses in Europe and in the context of culling for disease control purposes.
- Animal welfare measures (mainly from Welfare Quality® Protocols).
- Killing of animals in the context of animal disease epidemics.
The scientific content is mainly focused on the following animal species: cattle, pigs, small ruminants and broiler chickens.
365 days access
- Average duration: 8 hours
- 5 Units
- Self-Paced
- Multimedia
Available in:
- English
- Other languages
How to Register
- If you are an government official, you can apply using the BTSF ACADEMY Training Management System.
- If you are a staff member working in EU Institutions contact to request registration.
- For any other enquiries please send a message to and the BTSF ACADEMY Team will be glad to assist you.
This eLearning course is aimed at allowing participants to improve their knowledge and skills in:
- Main references to the legislative requirements for poultry.
- Scientific basis for proper stunning and slaughter of poultry (basic animal behaviour and basic anatomy); Main stunning and slaughter techniques applied in slaughterhouses.
- Development of standard operating procedures and monitoring of their application.
- Animal welfare indicators: practical examples in slaughterhouses and problem raised by the risk of electro-immobilisation in poultry and the use of high frequency currents.
- Main legislative requirements on animal welfare during killing for disease control purposes.
- Main stunning and killing techniques for poultry.
- Development of action plans for depopulation.
365 days access
- Average dedication: 8 hours
- 6 Units
- Self-Paced
- Multimedia
Available in:
- English
- Other languages
How to Register
- If you are an government official, you can apply using the BTSF ACADEMY Training Management System.
- If you are a staff member working in EU Institutions contact to request registration.
- For any other enquiries please send a message to and the BTSF ACADEMY Team will be glad to assist you.
The eLearning module aims to improve the knowledge and skills of official control staff concerning the welfare of broiler chickens.
The specific objectives of the training are:
- To improve basic knowledge on welfare of broiler chickens.
- To present good practices, tools and procedures relating to investigation techniques helping to detect infringements to broiler welfare.
- To help disseminate good practices - with particular attention to litter management, ventilation and the importance of having this professionally checked.
- To complement existing BTSF training courses on animal welfare.
365 days access
- Average duration: 6 hours
- 3 Units
- Self-Paced
- Multimedia
Available in:
- English
- Other languages
How to Register
- If you are an government official, you can apply using the BTSF ACADEMY Training Management System.
- If you are a staff member working in EU Institutions contact to request registration.
- For any other enquiries please send a message to and the BTSF ACADEMY Team will be glad to assist you.
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare at slaughter – cattle, pigs, sheep & goats (advanced).
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
The overall objectives are:
- Improving awareness of rules and how to control that these are respected in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats (advanced level) - I | 04/10/2022 | 06/10/2022 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats (advanced level) - II | 21/02/2023 | 23/02/2023 |
Program usposabljanjaBTSF o dobrem počutju živali ob zakolu – perutnina (napredno).
Organizacija in izvajanje dejavnosti usposabljanja o dobrobiti živali na kmetiji, dobrobiti živali pri usmrtitvi živali (v klavnicah in za namene obvladovanja bolezni) ter dobrobiti živali med prevozom.
Splošni cilji so:
- Ozaveščanje in spodbujanje skupnega razumevanja pravil EU o dobrobiti živali, ki se uporabljajo za rejo perutnine in prašičev, klavne prakse in prevoz na dolge razdalje.
- Zagotavljanje doslednih in visokih standardov izvajanja po vsej Uniji.
- Spodbujanje izmenjave dobrih in najboljših praks med državami članicami EU v zvezi z nadzornimi dejavnostmi na kmetijah.
- Izboljšanje pogojev za dobro počutje živih rejnih živali v Evropi.
- Izboljšanje ozaveščenosti o zakonodaji EU o dobrobiti živali v izbranih državah, ki niso članice EU.
- Spodbujanje konstruktivnega dialoga med zainteresiranimi stranmi (vključno s poslovnimi subjekti, nevladnimi organizacijami in njihovimi krovnimi organizacijami) ter tudi sodelovanja med pristojnimi nacionalnimi organi EU in pristojnimi nacionalnimi organi tretjih držav za doseganje skupnih dosežkov v zvezi z najbolj spornimi vidiki pri razlagi ustreznih zakonodajnih aktov.
Zasedanje | Naslov | Datum začetka | Končni datum |
1 | Dobrobit živali pri zakolu – perutnina (napredna) – I | 15/11/2022 | 17/11/2022 |
2 | Dobrobit živali pri zakolu – perutnina (napredna) – II | 18/04/2023 | 20/04/2023 |
BTSF Training Course on Animal Welfare at slaughter and in case of killing for depopulation purposes (basic level).
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
The overall objectives are:
- Improving awareness of rules and how to control that these are respected in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter and in case of killing for depopulation purposes (basic level) | 21/06/2022 | 23/06/2022 |
2 | Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter (basic level)-I | 24/01/2023 | 26/01/2023 |
3 | Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in case of killing for depopulation purposes (basic level) | 16/05/2023 | 18/05/2023 |
4 | Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter (basic level)-II | 22/11/2023 | 24/11/2023 |
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare in pig production.
The overall objectives are:
- Contributing to improving compliance in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns pig production.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in pig production - 1 | 13/09/2021 | 15/09/2021 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in pig production - 2 | 16/11/2021 | 18/12/2021 |
3 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in pig production - 3 | 08/03/2022 | 10/03/2022 |
4 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in pig production - 4 | 22/11/2023 | 24/11/2023 |
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare in poultry production - broilers
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport.
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Courses on Animal welfare in poultry production - broilers are:
- Raising awareness and promoting a common understanding of the EU animal welfare rules applicable to poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in poultry production - I | 13/10/2021 | 15/10/2021 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in poultry production - II | 29/11/2021 | 01/12/2021 |
3 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in poultry production - III | 07/06/2022 | 09/06/2022 |
4 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in poultry production - IV | 22/11/2023 | 24/11/2023 |
Welcome to the BTSF Training course on Animal welfare – livestock vessels.
The overall objective of this programme is to provide the European Union (EU) Member States (MS) and neighbouring non-EU countries with high-level effective training to ensure better organisation, implementation and enforcement of the EU rules on the welfare of animals on sea vessels.
The course addresses the following topics:
- Pre-loading control to livestock vessel – Procedures and items to be checked – Veterinary control.
- Livestock vessel controls prior to loading- Collaboration with the PSC.
- Thetis-EMSA ship inspection module.
- Main critical points of the loading operation.
- Journey planning- A journey log model adapted to the livestock vessel transport.
- Contingency and planning of the journeys.
- The OIE perspective- Outcomes of the long journey scenarios involving sea transport.
- The transporter perspective- good practices during sea transport.
- The CA at destination perspective- Main critical points on arrival.
This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.
- Competent authority officials organizing and carrying out controls on vessels at the port (from all levels of the authorities local, regional, central).
Session | Start Date | End Date | City | Country |
1 | 27/09/2022 | 29/09/2022 | Lisbon | Portugal |
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Animal Welfare- Retrospective checks on transport of animals are:
- to identify and know where to find all the information they need to perform effective retrospective checks on animal transport;
- to cross-check the information with the appropriate legal requirements;
- to reach the correct conclusion regarding the degree of compliance of a consignment, gain an understanding of good practices in the EU and how these may be adopted in their own control systems.
BTSF Training Programme on Animal Welfare during transport (basic)
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport.
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Courses on Animal Welfare during transport (basic) are:
- Improving awareness of rules and how to control that these are respected in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (basic level)- 1 | 17/05/2022 | 19/05/2022 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (basic level) - 2 | 29/11/2022 | 01/12/2022 |
3 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (basic level) - 3 | 13/06/2023 | 15/06/2023 |
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare during transport (advanced).
The overall objectives of the course are:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport.
- Improving awareness of rules and how to control that these are respected in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (advanced level) - 1 | 29/03/2022 | 31/03/2022 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (advanced level) - 2 | 25/10/2022 | 27/10/2022 |
3 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (advanced level) - 3 | 21/03/2023 | 23/03/2023 |
Splošni cilj tečaja usposabljanja BTSF o uveljavljanju dobrobiti živali med prevozom je državam članicam Evropske unije (EU) in sosednjim državam, ki niso članice EU, zagotoviti učinkovito usposabljanje na visoki ravni, da se zagotovijo boljša organizacija, izvajanje in izvrševanje pravil EU o dobrobiti živali med prevozom:
- doseči enotno in pravilno izvajanje pravil EU o dobrobiti živali med cestnim prevozom v Uniji, tako da nacionalni organi izvajajo nadzor na enoten način in dosledno visoke kakovosti, kar po potrebi vodi k sprejetju ustreznih izvršilnih ukrepov za odpravo in/ali sankcioniranje neskladnosti.
- Opredeliti in vedeti, kje najti vse informacije, ki jih potrebujejo za učinkovito naknadno preverjanje prevoza živali.
- Navzkrižno preverjanje informacij z ustrezno pravno zahtevo
- Pridobiti pravilen zaključek glede stopnje skladnosti pošiljke in spoznati dobre prakse v EU ter kako jih lahko sprejmejo v svojih nadzornih sistemih.
- Okrepiti mreženje med osebjem iz EU in nekaterih tretjih držav, ki sodeluje pri določanju prednostnih nalog in izvajanju uradnega nadzora, z združevanjem udeležencev iz različnih držav članic in nekaterih tretjih držav.
- Omogočiti izmenjavo izkušenj in razširjanje najboljših praks za ciljno usmerjanje dejavnosti nadzora na tveganja, izvajanje uradnega nadzora ter učinkovite dejavnosti izvrševanja in nadaljnjega ukrepanja v zvezi s pravili EU o dobrobiti živali med cestnim prevozom v Uniji in zunaj nje.
Predmet obravnava naslednje teme:
- Pregled glavnih vprašanj v zvezi z dobrobitjo živali med cestnim prevozom
- Pregledi načrtovanja vožnje, izvajanja vožnje in izvrševanja zahtev glede dobrobiti živali
- Uporaba sistema TRACES za zbiranje potrebnih informacij za uradni nadzor dobrobiti živali med prevozom
- Izbira prevoznikov/pošiljk na podlagi tveganja za naknadne preglede
- Naknadni pregledi dnevnikov vožnje z uporabo podatkov SNS in zapisov o temperaturi ter izvrševanje
- Revizija prevoznih podjetij
- Revizija/nadzor dejavnosti lokalnih veterinarskih enot
- Skupne omejitve, izzivi, slabosti in dobre prakse.
Ta program usposabljanja je bil zasnovan za profile in delovna mesta, opisana v nadaljevanju. Pred oddajo ali potrditvijo prijav preverite skladnost z merili za izbor.
- uradniki pristojnih organov, ki organizirajo, izvajajo in izvršujejo zakonodajo o dobrobiti živali med cestnim prevozom na vseh ravneh organov (lokalni, regionalni, centralni).
- Prevozna podjetja EU, specializirana za žive živali
- Lokalne nevladne organizacije so se zavezale k razširjanju določb EU o dobrem počutju živali
Zasedanje | Datum začetka | Končni datum | mesto | Država |
1 | 06/06/2022 | 10/06/2022 | Tilburg | Nizozemska |
ODPOVEDANO | 12/09/2022 | 16/09/2022 | Linz | Avstrija |
2 | 17/10/2022 | 21/10/2022 | Budimpešta | Madžarska |
3 | 13/03/2023 | 17/03/2023 | Marbella | Španija |
4 | 08/05/2023 | 12/05/2023 | Linz |
Avstrija |
5 | 12/06/2023 | 16/06/2023 | Kapitan Andreevo | Bolgarija |
6 | 18/09/2023 | 22/09/2023 | Kapitan Andreevo |
Bolgarija |
7 | 09/10/2023 | 13/10/2023 | Budimpešta | Madžarska |
8 | 27/11/2023 | 01/12/2023 | Varšava | Polond |
9 | 11/03/2024 | 15/03/2023 | Varšava | Poljska |
10 | 08/04/2024 | 12/04/2024 | Algeciras | Španija |
11 | 13/05/2024 | 17/05/2024 | Budimpešta | Madžarska |