Dierenwelzijn bij het slachten - inclusief doden met het oog op ziektebestrijding - eLearning-module
Deze eLearning-cursus moet de kennis van de deelnemers over:
- Relevante EU-wetgeving (voornamelijk gericht op Verordening (EG) nr. 1099/2009).
- Wetenschappelijke basis voor het hanteren, bedwelmen, slachten en ruimen van dieren vóór het slachten (basisdiergedrag, fysiologie en anatomie).
- Het houden van dieren en de beoordeling van de voorzieningen voor het houden van dieren.
- Belangrijkste bedwelmings- en dodingstechnieken in slachthuizen in Europa en in het kader van ruiming met het oog op ziektebestrijding.
- Dierenwelzijnsmaatregelen (voornamelijk uit welzijnskwaliteitsprotocollen).
- Het doden van dieren in het kader van dierziekte-epidemieën.
De wetenschappelijke inhoud is voornamelijk gericht op de volgende diersoorten: runderen, varkens, kleine herkauwers en vleeskuikens.
365 dagen toegang
- Gemiddelde duur: 8 uur
- 5 Eenheden
- Zelfbedruipend
- Multimedia
Beschikbaar in:
- Engels
- Andere talen
Hoe te registreren
- Als u een overheidsfunctionaris bent, kunt u een aanvraag indienen met behulp van het BTSF ACADEMY Training Management System.
- Als u een personeelslid bent dat bij de EU-instellingen werkt, neem dan contact op met HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu om registratie aan te vragen.
- Voor andere vragen kunt u een bericht sturen naar HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu en het BTSF ACADEMY-team staat u graag te woord.
Deze eLearning-cursus is bedoeld om deelnemers in staat te stellen hun kennis en vaardigheden te verbeteren op het gebied van:
- Belangrijkste verwijzingen naar de wettelijke voorschriften voor pluimvee.
- wetenschappelijke basis voor een goede bedwelming en slachting van pluimvee (basisgedrag van de dieren en basisanatomie); Belangrijkste bedwelmings- en slachttechnieken die in slachthuizen worden toegepast.
- Ontwikkeling van operationele standaardprocedures en toezicht op de toepassing ervan.
- Indicatoren voor dierenwelzijn: praktische voorbeelden in slachthuizen en problemen in verband met het risico van elektro-immobilisatie bij pluimvee en het gebruik van hoogfrequente stromen.
- Belangrijkste wettelijke voorschriften inzake dierenwelzijn tijdens het doden met het oog op ziektebestrijding.
- Belangrijkste bedwelmings- en dodingstechnieken voor pluimvee.
- Ontwikkeling van actieplannen voor ontvolking.
365 dagen toegang
- Gemiddelde toewijding: 8 uur
- 6 eenheden
- Zelfbedruipend
- Multimedia
Beschikbaar in:
- Engels
- Andere talen
Hoe te registreren
- Als u een overheidsfunctionaris bent, kunt u een aanvraag indienen met behulp van het BTSF ACADEMY Training Management System.
- Als u een personeelslid bent dat bij de EU-instellingen werkt, neem dan contact op met HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu om registratie aan te vragen.
- Voor andere vragen kunt u een bericht sturen naar HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu en het BTSF ACADEMY-team staat u graag te woord.
De eLearning-module heeft tot doel de kennis en vaardigheden van het officiële controlepersoneel met betrekking tot het welzijn van vleeskuikens te verbeteren.
De specifieke doelstellingen van de opleiding zijn:
- Verbetering van de basiskennis over het welzijn van vleeskuikens.
- Het presenteren van goede praktijken, instrumenten en procedures met betrekking tot onderzoekstechnieken die bijdragen tot het opsporen van inbreuken op het welzijn van vleeskuikens.
- Het helpen verspreiden van goede praktijken - met bijzondere aandacht voor strooiselbeheer, ventilatie en het belang van een professionele controle.
- Ter aanvulling van bestaande BTSF-opleidingen over dierenwelzijn.
365 dagen toegang
- Gemiddelde duur: 6 uur
- 3 Eenheden
- Zelfbedruipend
- Multimedia
Beschikbaar in:
- Engels
- Andere talen
Hoe te registreren
- Als u een overheidsfunctionaris bent, kunt u een aanvraag indienen met behulp van het BTSF ACADEMY Training Management System.
- Als u een personeelslid bent dat bij de EU-instellingen werkt, neem dan contact op met HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu om registratie aan te vragen.
- Voor andere vragen kunt u een bericht sturen naar HADEA-BTSF-ACADEMY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu en het BTSF ACADEMY-team staat u graag te woord.
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare at slaughter – cattle, pigs, sheep & goats (advanced).
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
The overall objectives are:
- Improving awareness of rules and how to control that these are respected in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats (advanced level) - I | 04/10/2022 | 06/10/2022 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats (advanced level) - II | 21/02/2023 | 23/02/2023 |
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare at slaughter - poultry (advanced).
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport.
The overall objectives are:
- Raising awareness and promoting a common understanding of the EU animal welfare rules applicable to poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | Animal welfare at slaughter - poultry (advanced) - I | 15/11/2022 | 17/11/2022 |
2 | Animal welfare at slaughter - poultry (advanced) - II | 18/04/2023 | 20/04/2023 |
BTSF Training Course on Animal Welfare at slaughter and in case of killing for depopulation purposes (basic level).
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport under the Better Training for Safer Food initiative.
The overall objectives are:
- Improving awareness of rules and how to control that these are respected in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter and in case of killing for depopulation purposes (basic level) | 21/06/2022 | 23/06/2022 |
2 | Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter (basic level)-I | 24/01/2023 | 26/01/2023 |
3 | Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in case of killing for depopulation purposes (basic level) | 16/05/2023 | 18/05/2023 |
4 | Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare at slaughter (basic level)-II | 22/11/2023 | 24/11/2023 |
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare in pig production.
The overall objectives are:
- Contributing to improving compliance in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns pig production.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in pig production - 1 | 13/09/2021 | 15/09/2021 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in pig production - 2 | 16/11/2021 | 18/12/2021 |
3 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in pig production - 3 | 08/03/2022 | 10/03/2022 |
4 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in pig production - 4 | 22/11/2023 | 24/11/2023 |
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare in poultry production - broilers
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport.
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Courses on Animal welfare in poultry production - broilers are:
- Raising awareness and promoting a common understanding of the EU animal welfare rules applicable to poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in poultry production - I | 13/10/2021 | 15/10/2021 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in poultry production - II | 29/11/2021 | 01/12/2021 |
3 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in poultry production - III | 07/06/2022 | 09/06/2022 |
4 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare in poultry production - IV | 22/11/2023 | 24/11/2023 |
Welkom bij het BTSF-opleidingsprogramma voor dierenwelzijn – veeschepen.
De algemene doelstelling van dit programma is de lidstaten van de Europese Unie (EU) en naburige niet-EU-landen doeltreffende opleidingen op hoog niveau te bieden om te zorgen voor een betere organisatie, uitvoering en handhaving van de EU-regels inzake het welzijn van dieren op zeeschepen.
De cursus behandelt de volgende onderwerpen:
- Controle vóór het laden in het veeschip — Procedures en te controleren punten — Veterinaire controle.
- Controles van veeschepen voorafgaand aan het laden - Samenwerking met het één-loket.
- Scheepsinspectiemodule van Thetis-EMSA.
- Belangrijkste kritieke punten van de ladingsverrichting.
- Reisplanning - Een logboekmodel dat is aangepast aan het vervoer van veeschepen.
- Contingency en planning van de reizen.
- Het OIE-perspectief – Resultaten van de langeafstandsscenario’s met betrekking tot zeevervoer.
- Het perspectief van de vervoerder - goede praktijken tijdens het zeevervoer.
- De BA bij bestemmingsperspectief - Belangrijkste kritieke punten bij aankomst.
Dit trainingsprogramma is ontworpen voor de profielen en functies die hieronder worden beschreven. Controleer of aan de selectiecriteria is voldaan voordat u aanvragen indient of valideert.
- Bevoegde autoriteiten die controles organiseren en uitvoeren op schepen in de haven (van alle niveaus van de lokale, regionale en centrale autoriteiten).
Sessie | Begindatum | Einddatum | Stad | Land |
1 | 27/09/2022 | 29/09/2022 | Lissabon | Portugal |
De algemene doelstellingen van het BTSF-opleidingsprogramma/cursus dierenwelzijn - controles achteraf op het vervoer van dieren zijn:
- na te gaan en te weten waar alle informatie te vinden is die zij nodig hebben om doeltreffende controles achteraf van het vervoer van dieren uit te voeren;
- de informatie te toetsen aan de toepasselijke wettelijke voorschriften;
- om tot de juiste conclusie te komen over de mate van conformiteit van een zending, inzicht te krijgen in goede praktijken in de EU en hoe deze in hun eigen controlesystemen kunnen worden overgenomen.
BTSF Training Programme on Animal Welfare during transport (basic)
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport.
The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Courses on Animal Welfare during transport (basic) are:
- Improving awareness of rules and how to control that these are respected in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (basic level)- 1 | 17/05/2022 | 19/05/2022 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (basic level) - 2 | 29/11/2022 | 01/12/2022 |
3 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (basic level) - 3 | 13/06/2023 | 15/06/2023 |
BTSF Training Programme on Animal welfare during transport (advanced).
The overall objectives of the course are:
Organisation and implementation of training activities on animal welfare on the farm, animal welfare at the time of killing of animals (at slaughterhouses and for disease control purposes) and animal welfare during transport.
- Improving awareness of rules and how to control that these are respected in the areas covered by the EU legislation in force, as concerns poultry and pig productions, slaughtering practices and long distance transportation.
- Ensuring consistent and high implementation standards across the Union.
- Promoting the exchange of good and best practices among EU Member States as regards control activities at farm.
- Improving the welfare conditions of live farmed animals in Europe.
- Improving awareness of the EU legislation on animal welfare in selected non-EU Countries.
- Stimulating a constructive dialogue among the interested parties (including business operators, NGOs and their umbrella organisations), and also a collaborative climate among EU and Non-EU National Competent Authorities towards common achievements concerning the most controversial aspects in the interpretation of the relevant pieces of legislation.
Session | Title | Start Date | End Date |
1 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (advanced level) - 1 | 29/03/2022 | 31/03/2022 |
2 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (advanced level) - 2 | 25/10/2022 | 27/10/2022 |
3 | BTSF Virtual Classroom on Animal Welfare during transport (advanced level) - 3 | 21/03/2023 | 23/03/2023 |
The overall objective of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Enforcement of animal welfare during transport is to provide the European Union (EU) Member States (MS) and neighbouring non-EU countries with high-level effective training to ensure better organisation, implementation and enforcement of the EU rules on the welfare of animals during transport:
- to achieve a uniform and correct implementation of EU rules on animal welfare during road transport in the Union by having national authorities performing controls in a uniform manner and of consistentlyhigh quality leading, where necessary, to taking relevant enforcement action to rectify and/or sanction non-compliances.
- To identify and know where to find all the information they need to perform effective retrospectivechecks on animal transport.
- To cross-check the information with the appropriate legal requirement
- To obtain the correct conclusion regarding the degree of compliance of a consignment and gain an understanding of good practices in the EU and how these may be adopted in their own control systems
- To reinforce networking between EU and certain non-EU countries’ staff involved in prioritisation and implementation of official controls by bringing together participants from different Member States and certain non-EU countries.
- To allow the exchange of experience and disseminate best practices for risk targeting of control activities, implementing official controls, and effective enforcement and follow-up activities relating to EU rules on animal welfare during road transport in the Union and beyond.
The course addresses the following topics:
- Overview of main issues regarding animal welfare during road transport
- Checks on journey planning, journey implementation and enforcement of animal welfare requirements
- Use of TRACES to collect necessary information for official controls on animal welfare during transport
- Risk-based selection of transporters/consignments for retrospective checks
- Retrospective checks on journey logs using SNS data and temperature records, and enforcement
- Auditing transport companies
- Auditing/supervising Local Veterinary Units’ activities
- Common constraints, challenges, weaknesses and good practices.
This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.
- Competent authority officials organising, implementing and enforcing legislation on animal welfare during road transport from all levels of the authorities (local, regional, central).
- EU transport companies specialised in live animals
- Local NGOs committed to disseminating EU animal welfare provisions
Session | Start Date | End Date | City | Country |
1 | 06/06/2022 | 10/06/2022 | Tilburg | Netherlands |
CANCELLED | 12/09/2022 | 16/09/2022 | Linz | Austria |
2 | 17/10/2022 | 21/10/2022 | Budapest | Hungary |
3 | 13/03/2023 | 17/03/2023 | Marbella | Spain |
4 | 08/05/2023 | 12/05/2023 | Linz |
Austria |
5 | 12/06/2023 | 16/06/2023 | Kapitan Andreevo | Bulgaria |
6 | 18/09/2023 | 22/09/2023 | Kapitan Andreevo |
Bulgaria |
7 | 09/10/2023 | 13/10/2023 | Budapest | Hungary |
8 | 27/11/2023 | 01/12/2023 | Warsaw | Polond |
9 | 11/03/2024 | 15/03/2023 | Warsaw | Poland |
10 | 08/04/2024 | 12/04/2024 | Algeciras | Spain |
11 | 13/05/2024 | 17/05/2024 | Budapest | Hungary |