BTSF training for National Experts on New Legislation on Animal Health.

Regulation (EU) 2016/429 [1] on transmissible animal diseases (“Animal Health Law”, AHL) which was adopted in March 2016 and entered into force on 21 April 2016 represents, together with a number of delegated and implementing rules complementing it, a new EU animal health legal framework. This new legislation will apply from 21 April 2021.

The purpose of this BTSF training is to present the contents of the AHL and the main supplementing delegated and implementing rules. The participants should become familiar with the substance, the structure, the aims and objectives of this new legislation, the changes that is bringing and practical aspects related to its effective implementation.

Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of Animal Health (‘Animal Health Law’), OJ L 84, 31.3.2016, p. 1

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training Programme/Course on Animal Health Law are:

  • the prioritisation and categorisation of listed diseases and listed animals;
  • the responsibilities for animal health;
  • the early detection, notification and reporting of diseases, surveillance, eradication programmes and disease–free status;
  • disease awareness, preparedness and control;
  • the registration and approval of establishments and transporters, movements and traceability of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin within the Union;
  • the entry of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin into the Union and the export of such consingments from the Union;
  • non-commercial movements of pet animals in a Member State from another Member State or from a third country or territory;
  • the emergency measures to be taken in the event of a disease emergency situation.

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Officials from relevant competent authorities involved in policy making, planning and control at central or regional level, on terrestrial or aquatic animal health, intra-EU trade of terrestrial or aquatic animals and germinal products and imports of live animals, products of animal origin and germinal products
  • Field inspectors and border control posts staff involved in such control activities.

Participants must meet the minimum requirements below to ensure they can follow and fully participate:

  • Official staff with adequate professional experience, familiar with the Animal Health Law Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and its delegated and implementing acts.
  • In a position to provide training to other colleagues and share the experience following their attendance to the training.
  • Able to understand and speak English in order to participate actively in the training session.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
TSF1_P2 25/09/2023 29/09/2023 Riga Latvia
TSF2_P2 06/11/2023 10/11/2023 Bucharest Romania
TSF3_P2 04/12/2023 08/12/2023 Venice Italy
TSF4_P2 22/01/2024 26/01/2024 Venice Italy
TSF5_P2 26/02/2024 01/03/2024 Bucharest Romania
TSF6_P2 08/04/2024 12/04/2024 Riga Latvia
TSF7_P2 03/06/2024 07/06/2024 Bucharest Romania
TSF8_P2 30/09/2024 04/10/2024 Riga Latvia
TSF9_P2 04/11/2024 08/11/2024 Venice Italy
TSF10_P2 09/12/2024 13/12/2024 Venice Italy

BTSF Workshop on Animal health audits for Candidate Countries.

The objective of this online workshop is to explain the Commission tools and mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of the EU Acquis by the candidate.

The objective of this online workshop is to explain the Commission's tools and mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of the EU Acquis by the candidate and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans (hereinafter candidate countries) during accession to the EU, with a specific focus on animal health.

The workshop will facilitate discussion on progress, and the main technical challenges that the candidate countries face in the implementation of the EU Acquis. It will also provide opportunities to share good practices in this field.

BTSF Workshop on Animal health - National experts training.

  • The purpose of the workshop is to prepare animal health experts for the role that they will be expected to perform before, during and after an audit or fact finding mission.
  • Following the overview of the audit process provided on Day 1, the main part workshop content is focused on practical activities in which the national experts can expect to be involved. Given that many of the participants are likely to have undertaken this role during previous audits, a considerable portion of the workshop is dedicated to Questions and Answers sessions and to plenary discussions.

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training course on Regional workshop on peste des petits ruminants aimed to enhance the capacity of participants on the understanding of EU legislation on animal disease preparedness to protect against the introduction into and spread within the EU of specific animal diseases. The main objective is to enhance capacity to detect and respond to suspected PPR events in wildlife and to enhance coordination between wildlife and livestock sectors.

Specific objectives:

  • To spread knowledge and experience about the international trading system in agri-food products (WTO, SPS) and the role of international standard setting bodies, with particular focus on the work of Codex.
  • To present the current status of PPR in wildlife, guidance for the prevention and control of PPR in wildlife, disease outbreak investigation, the One Health approach and inter-sectoral coordination, laboratory diagnostics, risk analysis and the use of in-field disease surveillance tools.
  • To strengthen the capacity of countries in the region to conduct surveillance for PPR in wildlife, to conduct thorough outbreak investigations and to enhance capacity for managing PPR in wildlife.

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • DG SANTE, HaDEA, Contractor, NCPs, officials, others.
  • Invited countries: Algeria, Chad, Libia, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia
  • Representatives from the private sector
Session Start Date End Date City Country
2 14/03/2022 18/03/2022 Online Morocco

(Morocco – online - being a Muslim country, the session on Friday should be as short as possible).

In the current climate of the Covid pandemic, the implementation of face-to-face workshops under the “Better Training for Safer Food” (BTSF) initiative have to take into consideration the restrictions of international travel. The programme of the workshop will therefore be organised on an online platform with as much as possible live interactions between the participants and DG SANTE/ BTSF’s tutors.

BTSF conference on New Legislation on Animal Health.

Regulation (EU) 2016/429 on transmissible animal diseases (“Animal Health Law”) [1] (AHL) which was adopted in March 2016 and entered into force on 21 April 2016 represents, together with a number of delegated and implementing rules complementing it, a new EU animal health legal framework. This new legislation will apply from 21 April 2021.

The purpose of this BTSF training is to present the contents of the AHL and the main supplementing delegated and implementing rules. The participants should become familiar with the substance, the structure, the aims and objectives of this new legislation, the changes that is bringing and practical aspects related to its effective implementation [1] Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (‘Animal Health Law’), OJ L 84, 31.3.2016, p. 1.

The overall objectives of the BTSF Training course on Animal by-products in the western Balkan countries emphasize the economic opportunities as well as the challenges that arise from the proper collection, storage, processing, and placing on the market of animal by-products, as well as the overall strategy of the BTSF initiative, the following objectives for this training course have been formulated:

  • to enhance/reinforce compliance with EU legislation.
  • to raise awareness on the importance of safe handling of ABPs.
  • to raise awareness on the economic opportunities arising from safe ABPs’ processing.

The training will focus, inter-alia, on a presentation of the different opportunities that can be adopted according to field situations and volumes.

The course addresses the following topics:

  • ABPs rules in the EU.
  • Implementing the rules and relevant challenges.
  • Organisation and financial aspects of the collection of dead-on-farm-animals and disease culling.
  • Building up an ABPs collection and processing system
  • Small scale, centralised and integrated solutions for ABPs management.
  • Livestock production renewable energy sources.
  • ABPs channels of marketing.
  • ABPs management.

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Competent authorities of central, regional and local level.
  • Stakeholders, operators and associations, in particular from the Western Balkan countries.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 22/11/2022 24/11/2022 Zagreb Croatia

The main target of this BTSF course is to provide support on strategies and actions at promoting and strengthening the areas covered within the SPS framework, and related areas for which the European Commission has a strategic interest. They are broadly encompassed in the fields of food safety, plant health, animal health and welfare, and general bi-lateral trade matters (i.e. EU importing requirements) covered within those topics:

  • Train the officers of the competent authorities of invited countries to deal with animal health threats by reinforcing levels of disease preparedness (including early warning systems, contingency planning and animal disease control).
  • Better ‘preparedness’, as it provides increased protection against the introduction and spread of transmissible animal diseases
  • Exchange of thoughts and experiences on animal health management in general, and more specifically on the lessons learnt after dealing with outbreaks of HPAI, SPP & GTP and FMD
  • Promote the EU standards as globally recognised standards that provide a high level of consumer and animal protection
  • Promote European Commission’s strategic interests such as the development of sustainable food systems, and the EU’s animal welfare laws that can contribute to improving animal welfare standards

The course addresses the following topics:

  • Train the officers of the competent authorities of invited countries on the European Union’s food safety control systems in place governing the production and placing on the market of fishery products.
  • Better understanding of European Union Import Conditions for Fishery Products: The European Union (EU) is by far the world’s biggest importer of fish, seafood and aquaculture products.
  • Better trade relations with non-EU countries with whom the European Commission has a strategic interest, and for which improved market access is sought by both parties.
  • Promote the EU standards as globally recognised standards that provide a high level of consumer and animal protection
  • Understanding and acceptance of internationally recognised standards to which the EU adheres to (i.e. World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) standards, Codex Alimentarius, International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures), thus promoting fair practices, and a common level playing field in international food, animal and plant trade.

This Training Programme has been designed for the profiles and positions described below. Please verify compliance with the selection criteria before submitting or validating applications.

  • Officials of the National Competent Authority involved in the design and implementation of legislation animal health threats, disease preparedness (including early warning), contingency planning and animal disease control.
  • Inspectors directly involved in the practical implementation of these topics.
Session Start Date End Date City Country
1 03/02/2025 07/02/2025 Ankara Türkiye