The eLearning module aims to improve their knowledge and skills in the presentation and objectives of EU law as regards prevention, eradication and control of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE).
Course selection (16)
The eLearning course aims to inform the key actors in charge of pesticide risk assessment and management, as well as pesticide users, about the specific tools, techniques and practices that lead to lower exposure of non-target organisms, including human beings, to pesticides.
The eLearning course aims to improve the knowledge and skills of staff performing official controls concerning the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF).
The eLearning course aims to improve the knowledge and skills of officials performing tasks related to Production and trade of bivalve molluscs within and into the EU.
The eLearning course aims to improve the knowledge and skills of staff performing official controls concerning the HACCP.
The eLearning course aims to improve the knowledge and skills of staff performing official controls concerning food hygiene requirements for fishery products and live bivalve molluscs, and their official control.
The eLearning course aims to improve the basic knowledge and skills of staff performing official controls on EU legislation on Food Improvement Agents.
The eLearning course is designed to empower inspectors to face the challenges that e-commerce creates in agri-food fraud investigations and to provide them with examples of specific tools, techniques and hardware are required for conduct successful online investigations and to protect consumers from fraudulent products.
The aim of this basic-level course is to improve knowledge of staff performing official controls and their understanding of agri-food fraud, to strengthen their capacity in investigation techniques to detect and counter agri-food fraud, and to disseminate best practices, tools and procedures to detect fraud in the agri-food chain.
The eLearning course aims to improve the knowledge and skills of staff performing official controls concerning food contact materials.
The eLearning course aims to improve the knowledge and skills of staff performing official controls concerning animal welfare at slaughter and killing for disease control purposes.
The eLearning module aims to improve the knowledge and skills of official control staff concerning the welfare of broiler chickens.